Descubre la Estructura de Nuestra Colección de NFTs
La colección «Reality Virtual 1» es una propuesta innovadora que combina arte, tecnología e impacto social a través de NFTs únicos. Cada nivel de la colección representa una parte esencial del proyecto, desde las piezas más exclusivas hasta aquellas diseñadas para democratizar el acceso al arte digital.
Cada NFT adquirido no solo otorga propiedad digital y beneficios exclusivos, sino que también impulsa el desarrollo de iniciativas culturales y ecológicas en comunidades vulnerables. El 80% de los ingresos se reinvierte directamente en proyectos que promueven el arte, la educación y la sostenibilidad en Bogotá y sus alrededores.
A continuación, explora las diferentes categorías de NFTs, sus precios y los beneficios que obtendrás al unirte a este movimiento transformador.
🌍"Virtual Reality 1 👁️🗨️ A Concept Inspired by Nature and Science

NFT Principal ("Body") - USD 600,000
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Realidad Virtual 1
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 600,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Una obra maestra única que encapsula la totalidad del proyecto—el punto de origen de una exploración fractal que trasciende el lienzo y se expande hacia la inmensidad del universo. Realidad Virtual 1 es el epicentro de la creación, un reflejo de la dualidad entre lo tangible y lo digital, entre la materia y la idea. Este lienzo inicial representa la primera chispa de existencia, donde la energía comienza a estructurarse en sistemas, tejiendo la propia trama de la realidad.
3 Secondary NFTs ("Systems") - USD 180,000 each
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: El Origen Primordial – (Génesis)
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 180,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El comienzo de todo, el momento en que la existencia despierta de la nada y la primera chispa de la realidad se enciende. Este panel representa la génesis del universo, el instante en que la energía pura comienza a tomar forma. Aquí, luz y sombra, caos y orden, convergen en una danza cósmica que da origen a los primeros sistemas.
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: El Flujo Infinito – (Expansión)
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 180,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El latido del cosmos, la fuerza que lo impulsa más allá de sus límites. En este panel, la energía se despliega, se ramifica y fluye en todas las direcciones, permitiendo la creación de galaxias, estrellas y mundos. Es el momento en que la expansión se convierte en el principio rector del universo, un movimiento interminable que construye y transforma.
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: La Danza Cósmica – (Equilibrio)
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 180,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El punto donde todo encuentra su ritmo, donde el caos se transforma en armonía. Este panel representa el equilibrio que mantiene unido al universo, la interacción perfecta entre fuerzas opuestas que permite la existencia tal como la conocemos. Aquí, la gravedad sostiene las órbitas, la materia encuentra forma y el cosmos se estabiliza en un flujo eterno de energía y estructura.
6 NFTs "Organs" - USD 9,000 each
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Fragmento de Luz
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 9,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El primer pulso de la existencia, el momento en que la energía encuentra su ritmo y se convierte en forma. Este NFT representa el origen de la estructura dentro del cuerpo universal, el instante preciso en que la luz inicial se moldea en un sistema organizado. Es el primer aliento de la creación, el punto en el que la energía pura comienza a definir los cimientos de lo que más tarde se convertirá en la gran arquitectura cósmica.
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Eco del Amanecer
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 9,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
A medida que la luz emerge, su primer eco se expande a través del vacío, marcando el inicio de la estructura y el orden. Este NFT representa la reverberación inicial de la creación, donde la energía comienza a formar patrones, dando forma a la esencia primordial del cosmos. Es el susurro del génesis, un momento etéreo donde la existencia encuentra su dirección.
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Brillo Primordial
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 9,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Un pulso radiante se extiende por el vacío, iluminando las primeras formas de existencia. Este NFT simboliza el primer resplandor estructurado de la energía, una ola expansiva de luminosidad que más tarde se convertirá en la base de los sistemas cósmicos. Es la chispa que une el vacío infinito con el nacimiento de la forma.
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Ritmo Celestial
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 9,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El universo comienza a latir, estableciendo el ritmo que guiará el desarrollo de la creación. Este NFT representa el primer movimiento cósmico, donde la energía dispersa empieza a sincronizarse, formando el latido que sostendrá las estructuras de la existencia. Es el ritmo primordial, el pulso que impulsa la expansión.
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Susurro de las Estrellas
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 9,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
A medida que el cosmos toma su primer aliento, las estrellas comienzan a susurrar su presencia en el silencio del vacío. Este NFT representa el tenue murmullo de los cuerpos celestes tomando forma, un delicado equilibrio entre la quietud y el movimiento. Es la voz de la creación, convocando el nacimiento de constelaciones y galaxias.
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Amanecer del Movimiento
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 9,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Las primeras ondas de energía se propagan a través del tejido cósmico, dando origen al movimiento que dará forma a toda la existencia. Este NFT representa la iniciación del movimiento universal, la transición de la quietud a la expansión. Es la danza de las partículas, el primer paso en la coreografía del cosmos.
Serie de 12 NFTs
Las células son las microestructuras que dan forma y función a la existencia. Cada fragmento es una unidad independiente pero interconectada, contribuyendo al flujo dinámico de la creación universal. NFT DE 12 – LAS CÉLULAS – LA ESENCIA VIVA DE LA CREACIÓN
Cuarto Nivel – Panel Izquierdo: Los Sistemas – La Arquitectura del Universo
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Semilla de Vibración
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 3,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En el umbral de la existencia, surge la primera vibración, un pulso primordial que sienta las bases de todo lo que vendrá. Este NFT encapsula la chispa del movimiento, el temblor silencioso que da lugar a la forma, el ritmo y la danza infinita de la creación. Es la esencia del principio, donde la energía y la intención se entrelazan en la semilla de todas las cosas. NFT DE 12 – LAS CÉLULAS – LA ESENCIA VIVA DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Olas de Emergencia
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 3,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Desde el primer pulso, las ondas de energía se expanden hacia afuera, moldeando los patrones invisibles de la realidad. Este NFT captura las fuerzas dinámicas de la emergencia, donde la estructura comienza a tomar forma a través de la interacción entre vibración y flujo. Es el momento en que el caos y el orden se encuentran, tejiendo los primeros hilos de la arquitectura universal. NFT DE 12 – LAS CÉLULAS – LA ESENCIA VIVA DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Ecos de Formación
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 3,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Las primeras estructuras toman forma, respondiendo al ritmo de la creación. Los patrones emergen en una intrincada danza de resonancia, donde la energía se condensa en los componentes fundamentales de la existencia. Este NFT encarna los ecos de la formación, los susurros silenciosos pero poderosos que esculpen las bases invisibles de la realidad. NFT DE 12 – LAS CÉLULAS – LA ESENCIA VIVA DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Corrientes del Génesis
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 3,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Fuerzas invisibles fluyen a través del tejido emergente de la realidad, guiando la esencia cruda de la creación hacia una forma estructurada. Este NFT captura el movimiento dinámico de estas corrientes primordiales, donde las primeras manifestaciones del orden surgen del vasto océano de potencial. Es el pulso del génesis, el movimiento implacable que teje el cosmos en existencia. NFT DE 12 – LAS CÉLULAS – LA ESENCIA VIVA DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Fusión Armónica
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 3,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
A medida que las fuerzas primordiales se entrelazan, la armonía comienza a emerger. Las frecuencias se alinean, formando las primeras estructuras cohesivas dentro de la vasta extensión de la existencia. Este NFT representa el delicado equilibrio de energías, donde el caos encuentra el orden y la arquitectura de la realidad toma su primer aliento. NFT DE 12 – LAS CÉLULAS – LA ESENCIA VIVA DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Resonancia de la Materia
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 3,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
La materia comienza a responder al ritmo cósmico, vibrando en sincronía con el pulso primordial. Este NFT captura la resonancia que da forma a lo informe, moldeando los elementos crudos de la existencia. Es el momento en que la energía se cristaliza en estructura, revelando la sinfonía invisible que subyace en toda la creación. NFT DE 12 – LAS CÉLULAS – LA ESENCIA VIVA DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Hilos de Simetría
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 3,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
A medida que el universo se despliega, la simetría emerge como un principio rector, tejiendo patrones en los cimientos de la existencia. Este NFT representa los intrincados hilos que sostienen la creación, formando el plano estructural de la materia y el movimiento. Es la geometría silenciosa que da forma al vasto desconocido, una fuerza invisible que estructura la realidad con equilibrio perfecto. NFT DE 12 – LAS CÉLULAS – LA ESENCIA VIVA DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Estructura Celestial
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 3,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Un gran diseño comienza a desplegarse, donde las fuerzas cósmicas establecen el marco de la existencia. Este NFT encarna la formación de patrones celestiales, la arquitectura silenciosa que rige la evolución de la realidad. Es la red invisible que conecta todas las cosas, moldeando el potencial ilimitado en una estructura intrincada y armoniosa. NFT DE 12 – LAS CÉLULAS – LA ESENCIA VIVA DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Génesis Geométrico
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 3,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
A partir de las vibraciones iniciales, emerge la geometría sagrada, revelando los patrones fundamentales de la creación. Este NFT representa la armonía matemática tejida en el cosmos, donde la forma y la función se unen en proporciones perfectas. Es el plano de la existencia, el lenguaje codificado a través del cual el universo expresa sus infinitas posibilidades. NFT DE 12 – LAS CÉLULAS – LA ESENCIA VIVA DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Plano de la Existencia
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 3,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El cosmos sigue un diseño intrincado, un plano subyacente a toda la creación. Este NFT captura la esencia de la emergencia estructurada, donde las fuerzas universales moldean la energía cruda en los cimientos de la realidad. Es la arquitectura silenciosa del ser, un patrón eterno que guía la formación de todo lo que es y será. NFT DE 12 – LAS CÉLULAS – LA ESENCIA VIVA DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Frecuencias Armónicas
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 3,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Las vibraciones se extienden a través del tejido de la existencia, alineándose en frecuencias armónicas que dan forma a la realidad. Este NFT encarna las melodías invisibles de la creación, donde la resonancia se convierte en la fuerza que une la energía y la forma. Es la canción universal que orquesta la evolución del cosmos, un ritmo que resuena en cada átomo y estrella. NFT DE 12 – LAS CÉLULAS – LA ESENCIA VIVA DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Tapiz de Luz
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 3,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Una intrincada red de energía comienza a cristalizarse, formando una estructura luminosa que une el cosmos. Este NFT representa la red de luz, donde la estructura y el movimiento tejen un cimiento invisible pero omnipresente. Es la arquitectura de lo no visto, un delicado equilibrio entre expansión y cohesión, dando nacimiento al potencial infinito de la creación.
Serie de 24 NFTs
A nivel molecular, las fuerzas invisibles del cosmos comienzan a organizarse. Estos NFTs representan las intrincadas redes que sustentan la realidad y forman la base de cada estructura en el universo. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – LA DANZA FUNDAMENTAL DE LA MATERIA
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: El Aliento de la Singularidad
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En el origen de todas las cosas, un aliento singular pone en marcha la creación. Este NFT representa el momento previo a la forma, donde la energía potencial aguarda su primera manifestación. Suspendido en una quietud infinita, es el umbral entre lo inmanifiesto y lo tangible, el primer suspiro de la existencia misma. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: La Primera Ondulación
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El silencio del potencial se rompe con la primera ondulación, una ola expansiva que establece los cimientos de la creación. Este NFT encarna la transición de la quietud al movimiento, donde la energía inicia su viaje hacia la forma. Es el catalizador de todo lo que sigue, el primer movimiento en la danza infinita de la existencia. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Olas del Devenir
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
A medida que las ondulaciones se expanden, las fuerzas primordiales de la existencia comienzan a organizarse, moldeando las corrientes invisibles que guían la evolución de la forma. Este NFT captura la energía en movimiento, las olas interminables del devenir que tejen las primeras estructuras de la realidad. Es el despliegue de la creación, donde la posibilidad se transforma en presencia. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Corrientes de Formación
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Corrientes invisibles fluyen a través del tejido primordial, guiando la energía cruda de la creación hacia una forma estructurada. Este NFT representa las fuerzas no vistas que moldean la realidad, orquestando los primeros patrones armoniosos dentro del vasto potencial del universo. Es la danza silenciosa de la formación, donde la energía y la intención convergen en la existencia. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Estructuras Armónicas
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
A medida que las corrientes de energía se alinean, surgen estructuras en perfecta armonía, guiadas por los principios fundamentales del universo. Este NFT representa el delicado equilibrio entre el caos y el orden, donde la arquitectura invisible de la creación toma su primera forma definitiva. Es la resonancia de la estructura, moldeando el cosmos con intención y flujo. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Resonancia Fractal
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El cosmos habla en patrones, estructuras repetitivas tejidas en la esencia misma de la existencia. Este NFT captura la resonancia fractal que une todas las cosas, reflejando la repetición infinita de la creación a través de distintas escalas. Es la firma del universo, un diseño codificado en el pulso rítmico de la energía y la materia. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Simetría de la Existencia
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Del plano cósmico surge una simetría profunda, un equilibrio intrincado que guía la formación de todas las cosas. Este NFT encarna la elegancia de los patrones universales, donde cada estructura encuentra su reflejo en el gran diseño de la existencia. Es el orden silencioso subyacente a la creación, una armonía que resuena a través de dimensiones. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Flujo Celestial
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Una corriente invisible recorre el cosmos, guiando la formación de galaxias, átomos y la vida misma. Este NFT representa el flujo celestial, el equilibrio dinámico que mantiene unido al universo. Es el movimiento de la creación, el ciclo infinito de expansión y contracción que da forma a la realidad en su danza eterna. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Hilos de la Realidad
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
La realidad se teje a partir de incontables hilos de energía, cada uno conectando la vasta red de la existencia. Este NFT representa la estructura interconectada del cosmos, donde cada forma y cada movimiento son parte de un todo mayor. Es el tapiz oculto que une todas las cosas, una red de conexiones que se extiende a través del tiempo y el espacio. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Rejilla de la Creación
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Una intrincada rejilla cósmica se forma, conectando la energía y la materia en una red continua de existencia. Este NFT representa la base de la estructura, donde fuerzas invisibles se alinean para dar coherencia a la vastedad del espacio. Es el marco silencioso que sostiene el universo, una arquitectura invisible que da forma a todo lo que es y será. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Plano Etéreo
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Bajo el mundo visible yace un diseño intrincado, un plano etéreo que guía la formación de todas las cosas. Este NFT representa el orden oculto del cosmos, donde la geometría y la energía se fusionan para moldear la realidad. Es la estructura silenciosa que mantiene unido al universo, una arquitectura invisible de posibilidades infinitas. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Hilos Armónicos
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Como cuerdas de un instrumento cósmico, las fuerzas fundamentales vibran en armonía, dando forma a la esencia misma de la existencia. Este NFT captura la naturaleza interconectada de la creación, donde cada elemento resuena con el gran diseño del universo. Es la melodía oculta que une todas las cosas, tejiendo la realidad a través del sonido y el movimiento. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Frecuencias Celestiales
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El tejido de la existencia vibra con frecuencias celestiales, ecos que recorren el universo para traer orden al caos. Este NFT encarna la sinfonía cósmica, donde la energía se alinea en ondas armónicas para dar forma a los cimientos de la realidad. Es la resonancia eterna de la creación, guiando la danza de galaxias y átomos por igual. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: El Pulso Rítmico
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Un pulso constante late en el núcleo de la existencia, una fuerza rítmica que impulsa la creación hacia adelante. Este NFT representa la cadencia fundamental del cosmos, donde ciclos de expansión y contracción moldean la evolución de la realidad. Es el aliento del universo, el latido que conecta todas las cosas en un flujo atemporal. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: El Tejido de la Luz
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
La luz se mueve a través del tejido del espacio, tejiendo una red intrincada que conecta todas las cosas. Este NFT representa los hilos luminosos que moldean la realidad, un delicado equilibrio entre energía y forma. Es la arquitectura silenciosa de la existencia, donde las fuerzas cósmicas se entrelazan para crear los patrones del universo. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Ecos del Origen
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Desde las profundidades de la creación, ecos del primer impulso resuenan a través del cosmos, dejando su marca en cada estructura que sigue. Este NFT captura la resonancia del origen, donde el tiempo y el espacio emergieron por primera vez del infinito. Es la memoria susurrante del comienzo, tejida para siempre en el tejido de la existencia. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Estructura del Infinito
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Un diseño interminable se extiende por el universo, una estructura de posibilidades infinitas codificada en la esencia de todas las cosas. Este NFT representa la gran arquitectura de la existencia, donde los patrones se repiten en variaciones ilimitadas, creando los cimientos de la realidad. Es la red eterna sobre la cual se construye el cosmos, una estructura sin principio ni fin. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Hilos de la Eternidad
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Hilos invisibles se extienden a través del tiempo y el espacio, uniendo cada átomo, cada estrella y cada pensamiento en un solo tapiz cósmico. Este NFT representa la naturaleza interconectada de toda la existencia, donde cada momento, cada vibración, contribuye al desarrollo eterno del universo. Es la conexión silenciosa entre todas las cosas, un hilo inquebrantable en el diseño infinito de la creación. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: El Pulso Infinito
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En el núcleo de la existencia, un pulso infinito impulsa el ritmo de la creación, expandiéndose y contrayéndose en perfecta armonía. Este NFT encarna el movimiento incesante del universo, un latido que resuena a través de dimensiones, vinculando pasado, presente y futuro. Es el ritmo último, el aliento eterno que sustenta todas las cosas. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Punto de Convergencia
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En este punto singular, las energías dispersas se unifican, fusionándose en un equilibrio armónico que sostiene el cosmos. Este NFT representa el momento en que fuerzas separadas se alinean, formando un nexo donde la existencia se estabiliza y se prepara para su próxima transformación. Es el punto de encuentro entre pasado y futuro, donde la creación encuentra su centro. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Caminos Entretejidos
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Incontables caminos se entrelazan, conectando reinos de existencia a través de una red invisible de posibilidades. Este NFT representa los intrincados cruces de la creación, donde cada fuerza, cada movimiento, está vinculado por un hilo invisible pero innegable. Es la danza de los destinos interconectados, donde el flujo del cosmos encuentra su ritmo. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Fragmentos del Umbral
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
De pie en el umbral, fragmentos de la realidad emergen del vacío, esperando tomar su forma final. Este NFT representa el espacio liminal entre el potencial y la manifestación, la puerta donde la energía se convierte en forma. Es el momento antes del ser, donde la creación se encuentra al borde de la existencia. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Tejido Dinámico
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El propio tejido del universo cambia y evoluciona, respondiendo a los movimientos del tiempo y el pensamiento. Este NFT representa la naturaleza fluida de la existencia, en constante cambio pero eternamente conectada. Es el entramado cósmico en movimiento, donde los patrones emergen y se disuelven en un ciclo interminable de renovación. NFT DE 24 – LAS MOLÉCULAS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Expansión Armónica
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 1,000
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
La energía se expande en ondas armoniosas, ampliando los límites de la creación con cada pulso. Este NFT captura el momento de la expansión cósmica, donde la materia, el espacio y la conciencia se extienden más allá de sus orígenes. Es la danza en continuo crecimiento del universo, un testimonio de las infinitas posibilidades tejidas en su diseño.
Serie de 48 NFTs
Los átomos son los elementos finales y más pequeños e indivisibles, la esencia última de donde emerge toda la materia. Estos NFTs simbolizan el pulso elemental de la existencia, donde lo infinito se contiene dentro de la más diminuta de las formas. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Sutil Silencio de la Partícula
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En la inmensidad del universo, un sutil silencio precede la vibración inicial de la existencia. Este NFT representa el momento en que la energía aún no se ha manifestado, pero su potencial es infinito. Es la pausa antes del primer latido del cosmos, la esencia contenida dentro de la más diminuta partícula. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Memoria Luminosa del Espectro
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
La luz lleva en su interior la memoria de la creación, un registro eterno del despliegue del universo. Este NFT representa la huella luminosa dejada por las primeras vibraciones, donde la energía y la conciencia se entrelazan en una danza radiante. Es el resplandor del pasado, susurrando los secretos de la existencia a través del espectro del tiempo. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Acariciando el Origen en la Luz Infinita
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En el abrazo infinito de la luz sin límites, la esencia de la creación despierta, tocada por el sutil fluir de la energía. Este NFT representa el momento delicado pero poderoso en que la forma comienza a tomar cuerpo dentro del resplandor cósmico. Es el primer susurro de la existencia, desplegándose suavemente dentro del brillo infinito. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Perdiendo el Destino Bajo el Eco del Cosmos
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En la vasta extensión del cosmos, el destino fluye a través de las corrientes del espacio, siempre guiado por el eco no pronunciado del universo. Este NFT captura el instante en que la existencia danza entre lo conocido y lo desconocido, moldeada por fuerzas más allá de la comprensión. Es la entrega al ritmo cósmico, donde cada paso es a la vez destino y libertad. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Expandiendo la Memoria en la Luz Infinita
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
La esencia de la creación se expande a través del lienzo sin límites de la luz infinita, registrando el viaje de la existencia a medida que se despliega. Este NFT representa la memoria cósmica, donde cada momento, cada vibración, queda impresa en el resplandor eterno. Es la historia de la creación escrita en el lenguaje de la luz, expandiéndose a través del tiempo y el espacio. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Reflejo Vibrante del Nodo
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El nodo vibra en el centro de la creación, resonando con las fuerzas que dan forma al universo. Este NFT captura la energía reflejada de este núcleo vibrante, donde el equilibrio entre poder, materia y conciencia encuentra su expresión. Es el espejo del cosmos, donde cada ondulación de energía se refleja infinitamente a través de la vasta extensión. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Origen Infinito del Fotón
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Desde el inicio, el fotón emerge como la primera partícula de luz, la chispa que enciende el cosmos. Este NFT encarna el origen infinito del fotón, la fuerza fundamental de la creación que transporta la esencia del universo. Es el principio atemporal de la luz, expandiéndose sin fin para iluminar lo infinito. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Vibración Susurrada en el Tiempo Suspendido
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El tiempo se detiene mientras las vibraciones susurran a través del vacío, portando en su interior las semillas de la creación. Este NFT captura el momento atemporal en el que la energía está suspendida, vibrando en el umbral de la existencia. Es el suave murmullo del cosmos antes de desplegarse, un eco sutil reverberando a través de la eternidad. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Destino Fusionado Bajo el Eco del Cosmos
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El destino se entreteje a través de los hilos del tiempo, moldeado por las reverberaciones del cosmos. Este NFT representa la fusión de caminos bajo el eco silencioso e infinito que guía la creación. Es el flujo inevitable de la energía, donde el universo alinea su curso a través de la resonancia de sus fuerzas más profundas. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: La Geometría Silenciosa del Vacío
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En la inmensidad del cosmos, una geometría silenciosa rige el movimiento de estrellas y galaxias, invisible pero siempre presente. Este NFT captura la quietud de este diseño cósmico, la fuerza oculta que moldea el universo desde su interior. Es la arquitectura del vacío, la estructura silenciosa que mantiene todas las cosas en su lugar. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Eternidad Fragmentada del Neutrón
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El neutrón guarda en su interior la clave de la continuidad del universo, una partícula suspendida entre la vida y la muerte, el tiempo y el espacio. Este NFT representa la eternidad fragmentada del neutrón, donde lo infinito se comprime en un solo punto de existencia. Es la piedra angular de la materia, el puente entre mundos aún por descubrir. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Memoria Infinita del Espectro
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El espectro de luz lleva en su interior una memoria infinita, un registro de todo lo que ha sido y de todo lo que será. Este NFT encarna la esencia de esa memoria, tejida en el tejido del universo, donde cada color y cada onda contienen una historia de la creación. Es la luz que transporta el pasado hacia el futuro, un testigo eterno del despliegue de la existencia. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Silencio Enmarañado del Fotón
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El fotón viaja a través del vacío, enredado en el silencio de la creación, cargando en su interior el peso de la existencia. Este NFT representa la fuerza silenciosa del fotón, la partícula que conecta toda la materia y la luz en una danza energética invisible. Es el camino de la luz, el hilo intangible que enlaza todo lo que es, en perfecta armonía con el universo. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Esencia Cambiante del Quark
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El quark, el bloque de construcción fundamental de la materia, contiene la esencia del universo en su diminuta forma. Este NFT captura la energía cambiante del quark, donde la creación y la destrucción bailan en un ciclo eterno. Es el pulso de la materia, la base inquebrantable de todo lo que existe. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Eternidad Sublime del Neutrón
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El neutrón, suspendido en su silenciosa eternidad, es el fundamento de todo lo sólido en el universo. Este NFT representa la quietud sublime del neutrón, que contiene en su interior el potencial de toda la materia. Es la fuerza invisible que une las estrellas, las galaxias y los átomos en perfecta armonía. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Vibración Eterna en el Abismo Suspendido
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Suspendida en el vacío, una vibración eterna resuena a través del cosmos, moldeando la estructura de la existencia. Este NFT representa el pulso que reverbera en el abismo, donde la energía se desplaza a través del tejido del universo. Es el ritmo silencioso que define los límites del tiempo, el espacio y todo lo que yace entre ellos. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Silencio Fractal de la Partícula
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
La partícula existe en un estado de silencio infinito, repitiendo patrones a través del espacio y el tiempo. Este NFT captura la naturaleza fractal de la existencia, donde cada pequeña parte refleja el todo y el pulso de la creación se repite eternamente. Es la vibración más diminuta, que resuena con la totalidad del universo en su interior. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Memoria Sublime en la Luz Infinita
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
La memoria de la creación es transportada en la luz, un registro eterno impreso a través del universo. Este NFT representa la memoria sublime preservada dentro de la luz infinita, donde cada momento de existencia es reflejado y sostenido para toda la eternidad. Es la esencia del ser, brillando en la vastedad del cosmos. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Resonancia del Nodo Eterno
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El nodo eterno resuena en el centro de la creación, conectando todas las cosas en perfecta armonía. Este NFT encarna la resonancia de este nodo, donde todas las fuerzas convergen y se alinean para formar los cimientos de la realidad. Es el centro del universo, el punto desde el cual fluye toda la energía, uniendo el tiempo, el espacio y la materia. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Susurros de la Creación en el Vacío Atómico
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En el vacío atómico, los susurros de la creación agitan las partículas, encendiendo el nacimiento de todas las cosas. Este NFT representa el aliento silencioso que da origen a la materia, una fuerza sutil que se propaga a través del tejido del universo. Es la primera chispa, el inicio de toda energía, formando los bloques fundamentales de la existencia. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Pulso Cuántico de lo Desconocido
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En lo más profundo del tejido cuántico, un pulso de lo desconocido resuena más allá de los límites de la percepción. Este NFT representa la fuerza invisible que guía la estructura de la realidad, las fluctuaciones cuánticas que dan vida al vacío. Es el latido oculto del cosmos, donde todas las posibilidades convergen en una sola. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Ecos de lo Infinito en una Sola Partícula
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Dentro de la partícula más pequeña, los ecos de lo infinito reverberan, conteniendo la vasta historia del cosmos en una sola forma. Este NFT captura la paradoja de la escala, donde el universo entero se refleja dentro del fragmento más diminuto. Es el microcosmos de lo infinito, el punto donde todo existe a la vez. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: La Danza Silenciosa de los Átomos
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
A lo largo del tejido cósmico, los átomos giran en armonía silenciosa, moldeando las fuerzas invisibles que definen la realidad. Este NFT representa la danza incesante de las partículas fundamentales, moviéndose en un ritmo más antiguo que el tiempo mismo. Es la coreografía silenciosa de la creación, donde cada movimiento teje la historia del universo. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: El Eco Final de la Luz
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En el límite entre la existencia y la nada, la luz deja tras de sí un eco final, resonando infinitamente en lo desconocido. Este NFT representa la última vibración de la creación, la memoria persistente de cada fotón que ha viajado a través del universo. Es la despedida eterna, pero también la promesa de renacimiento en el ciclo de la energía. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Hilos Cuánticos del Tiempo
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El tiempo se teje a partir de hilos cuánticos invisibles, cada uno vibrando en sincronización perfecta con el ritmo universal. Este NFT representa la estructura oculta del tiempo, donde los momentos se entrelazan para formar el tapiz de la existencia. Es la delicada trama de la eternidad, donde el pasado, el presente y el futuro se entrecruzan. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Esencia Intermitente de la Realidad
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
La realidad oscila entre la existencia y el vacío, sostenida por el pulso de la energía cósmica. Este NFT representa la naturaleza efímera pero eterna del ser, donde todo está en constante transformación. Es el latido de la existencia, fluctuando entre la forma y la ausencia de ella. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: El Velo Entre Dimensiones
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Entre cada dimensión, un velo invisible se desplaza, permitiendo vislumbres de realidades más allá de la comprensión. Este NFT representa la frontera entre lo conocido y lo desconocido, la delgada barrera que separa los universos. Es la puerta entre mundos, donde la percepción encuentra la posibilidad infinita. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Sincronización Eterna de la Energía
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
A través de la vasta extensión, la energía fluye en perfecta sincronización, moldeando galaxias y el tejido del tiempo mismo. Este NFT representa la armonía cósmica que rige el universo, donde todo se mueve en un ritmo invisible. Es la sincronización eterna de las fuerzas, la danza que sostiene la creación. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Corrientes Primordiales de la Existencia
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Corrientes invisibles tejen el tejido cósmico, guiando la formación de galaxias y el nacimiento de cuerpos celestes. Este NFT representa los flujos primordiales de energía que moldean el universo, la corriente oculta que esculpe la esencia de la existencia. Es la fuerza silenciosa que dirige la expansión de todas las cosas. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Eco Cuántico en el Vacío
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En el vacío, un débil eco cuántico se expande a través de dimensiones, dejando una huella en el tiempo mismo. Este NFT representa la reverberación de la energía dentro del vacío, donde cada fluctuación lleva la memoria de la creación. Es el eco de la existencia, resonando más allá de los límites de la percepción. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Equilibrio Celestial en la Red Cósmica
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
A lo largo de la intrincada red del cosmos, las fuerzas celestiales mantienen el equilibrio, asegurando la armonía de galaxias y cúmulos estelares. Este NFT representa la simetría que gobierna el universo, donde la masa, la gravedad y la energía interactúan en una danza perpetua. Es la fuerza invisible que mantiene todo unido, el equilibrio perfecto del infinito. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Frecuencias Entretejidas de Luz
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Cada longitud de onda de la luz transporta una historia única, entrelazada con otras para formar el espectro luminoso de la existencia. Este NFT representa la armonía de los fotones en movimiento, donde los colores se combinan para revelar el plano del cosmos. Es la sinfonía de frecuencias tejidas en la creación, iluminando los caminos del universo. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Fusión Armónica de Partículas
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En el núcleo de la existencia, las partículas se fusionan en secuencias armónicas, formando la estructura esencial de la materia. Este NFT representa la interacción de fuerzas a nivel subatómico, donde la energía se transforma en masa. Es la sinfonía silenciosa de las partículas, vibrando en perfecta unidad. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Resplandor de los Primeros Elementos
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Emergiendo de la fragua cósmica, los primeros elementos brillan con la esencia de la creación. Este NFT representa el nacimiento de la materia fundamental, donde los átomos se combinan para formar los cimientos de la realidad. Es el primer resplandor de la existencia, encendiendo la expansión cósmica. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Ecos del Pulso Celestial
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Un pulso rítmico reverbera a través del cosmos, marcando el tempo de todos los movimientos celestiales. Este NFT representa el latido cósmico, donde la gravedad, el movimiento y la energía bailan en perfecta resonancia. Es el eco del movimiento celestial, guiando la formación de galaxias. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Espectro del Movimiento Universal
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Desde la vibración más diminuta hasta la vasta expansión de las galaxias, el movimiento pinta el universo con variaciones infinitas. Este NFT representa el espectro completo del movimiento en la creación, donde todas las formas de energía se expresan en perfecto flujo. Es la danza universal, una coreografía sin fin de tiempo y espacio. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Geometría Sagrada del Vacío
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Aun en el vacío, una geometría oculta rige la estructura de la existencia, definiendo el marco de la realidad. Este NFT representa los patrones sagrados incrustados en el universo, donde la forma surge de la precisión matemática. Es la arquitectura divina que da forma a todas las cosas, visibles e invisibles. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Hilos Interestelares de Luz
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
A través de la vasta expansión cósmica, hilos de luz tejen una conexión intrincada entre los cuerpos celestes. Este NFT representa los filamentos luminosos que unen galaxias, vinculando el universo en una red eterna de resplandor. Es el entramado dorado del infinito, que une el tejido del espacio y el tiempo. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Cuna Cuántica de Posibilidades
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Dentro de los espacios más pequeños, emergen posibilidades infinitas, dando lugar a la naturaleza expansiva de la existencia. Este NFT representa el paisaje cuántico, donde todas las realidades coexisten antes de manifestarse. Es la cuna de toda la creación, donde la posibilidad aguarda el momento de convertirse en ser. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: El Aliento Cósmico de la Creación
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Como una exhalación, el universo se expande, transportando el aliento de la creación que nutre toda la existencia. Este NFT representa la expansión y contracción rítmica del cosmos, el ciclo que mantiene el equilibrio de la realidad. Es el aliento del infinito, el pulso de la creación que fluye a través de todas las cosas. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: La Trama de la Conciencia Universal
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Una intrincada red de conciencia se extiende por el cosmos, uniendo cada forma de vida al gran despliegue de la creación. Este NFT representa el tejido mismo de la conciencia, donde pensamientos, energía y existencia convergen. Es la trama sobre la cual se inscribe toda la realidad, una red de comprensión infinita. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Armónicos Celestiales en Movimiento
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Todo en la existencia vibra en armonía, una vasta sinfonía celestial donde el equilibrio de fuerzas se expresa a través del movimiento. Este NFT representa la melodía cósmica que rige las órbitas de los planetas, la danza de las galaxias y los pulsos de la luz. Es la música silenciosa del universo, resonando eternamente a través de la inmensidad. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: La Espiral Dorada del Devenir
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Desde la concha más pequeña hasta la galaxia más inmensa, la espiral dorada codifica el secreto del crecimiento y la transformación perpetua. Este NFT representa la elegancia matemática detrás de la creación, donde la forma emerge de la proporción y la armonía. Es la curva infinita de la evolución, girando sin cesar hacia lo desconocido. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Reflejos Sagrados en el Reino Cuántico
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En los espacios cuánticos más diminutos, reflejos del universo entero titilan en delicado equilibrio. Este NFT representa el efecto espejo de la energía a nivel fundamental, donde la realidad se pliega sobre sí misma en una recursión infinita. Es la geometría sagrada de la existencia, revelada en el corazón de cada partícula. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: El Primer Despertar de la Singularidad
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Antes de la expansión, antes de la separación, existía un punto singular de potencial infinito. Este NFT representa el primer despertar de la singularidad, donde toda la energía y la materia eran una sola. Es el instante previo al despliegue del tiempo, donde todo existía como una posibilidad única. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: El Pulso que Moldea la Realidad
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Un pulso constante recorre el tejido del espacio, moldeando galaxias y guiando la formación de los mundos. Este NFT representa la fuerza omnipresente que esculpe la realidad, el latido que determina la estructura de la existencia. Es el ritmo que sostiene la creación, el compás fundamental del universo. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: La Huella Eterna de la Luz
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
La luz nunca olvida—lleva consigo la historia del cosmos, impresa en cada fotón que ha viajado a través del espacio. Este NFT representa la memoria eterna inscrita en las ondas luminosas, donde la historia de la creación queda registrada. Es el eco de la iluminación, extendiéndose a través de la eternidad. NFT DE 48 – LOS ÁTOMOS – LAS PARTÍCULAS FUNDAMENTALES DE LA CREACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Resonancia en el Límite del Infinito
Técnica: Arte Virtual NFT – Extraído del Tríptico «Realidad Virtual 1» – Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Precio: USD 600
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En el límite mismo de la existencia, una resonancia final se expande, fusionándose con lo infinito desconocido. Este NFT representa la última vibración de la realidad antes de disolverse en la posibilidad sin límites. Es el umbral de lo inexplorado, donde la creación se encuentra con el vacío eterno.
96 NFTs "Quarks" - USD 250 each SÉPTIMO NIVEL – LOS QUARKS – Serie de 96 NFTs
Los Quarks
Los quarks son las fuerzas subatómicas que rigen la propia estructura de la realidad: imperceptibles pero fundamentales para la existencia. Estos NFTs encapsulan la enigmática danza entre la energía y la materia en la escala más microscópica, formando la arquitectura invisible del cosmos. – 1 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – DANZA QUIRAL
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Danza Quiral
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En el reino subatómico, Danza Quiral captura el delicado momento en el que la simetría y la asimetría se entrelazan para dar forma a la base de la materia. Este NFT encarna el movimiento perpetuo de la existencia reflejada, un principio fundamental que rige la estructura cuántica del universo.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza invita a reflexionar sobre la paradoja de la realidad, donde dualidades como la reflexión e inversión dictan el ritmo de la existencia. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, resuena con la energía incesante de los quarks, cuyo movimiento intrínseco moldea la esencia misma de la creación. – 2 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – ENTRELAZAMIENTO CUÁNTICO
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Entrelazamiento Cuántico
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El entrelazamiento cuántico es el enigma cósmico que desafía nuestra comprensión del espacio y el tiempo. Entrelazamiento Cuántico captura el instante en que dos partículas, aunque separadas por distancias infinitas, permanecen intrínsecamente vinculadas, reflejando el estado una de la otra en un lazo inquebrantable.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza refleja la profunda conexión entre todas las cosas, invitando a contemplar los hilos invisibles que tejen la realidad. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, resuena con la armonía de las relaciones cuánticas, donde la existencia misma es un delicado equilibrio de fuerzas interconectadas. – 3 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – EL CAMBIO DE SIMETRÍA
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: El Cambio de Simetría
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
La simetría rige el universo, pero es a través de su ruptura que la existencia toma forma. El Cambio de Simetría captura el momento crucial en el que la uniformidad se fragmenta, dando origen a la estructura, la diferenciación y la transformación. Este delicado equilibrio entre el orden y el caos es la base de todas las cosas.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza explora el principio fundamental de la ruptura espontánea de la simetría, un fenómeno que da forma al mundo subatómico y, en última instancia, a la realidad misma. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, simboliza la danza de fuerzas que esculpen la arquitectura de la existencia, revelando los patrones ocultos que configuran nuestro universo. – 4 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – CARGA DE COLOR
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Carga de Color
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
A diferencia de los colores que percibimos en la luz, la Carga de Color representa la propiedad fundamental de los quarks que los mantiene unidos dentro de los hadrones. Este NFT encapsula las interacciones dinámicas de la fuerza nuclear fuerte, donde las partículas intercambian gluones para preservar su existencia.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza invita a reflexionar sobre las fuerzas invisibles que construyen el universo. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, resuena con el intercambio incesante de energía, revelando los lazos invisibles que dan forma a la realidad en su nivel más fundamental. – 5 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – SABORES DE LA REALIDAD
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Sabores de la Realidad
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Los quarks existen en seis tipos distintos, o sabores, cada uno contribuyendo a la complejidad de la materia. Sabores de la Realidad captura la diversidad oculta dentro del mundo subatómico, donde elementos aparentemente simples tejen la estructura misma de la existencia.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza encarna la armonía de la variación cuántica, recordándonos que la diversidad no es solo un aspecto de la naturaleza, sino su fundamento. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, explora cómo las capas ocultas de la realidad influyen en todo lo que percibimos. – 6 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – ESPUMA CUÁNTICA
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Espuma Cuántica
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
A la escala más diminuta imaginable, el espacio no es suave, sino un mar caótico de energía fluctuante. Espuma Cuántica representa la naturaleza inquieta del vacío, donde las partículas aparecen y desaparecen espontáneamente en una danza eterna de creación y aniquilación.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza revela la impredecible naturaleza del cosmos, donde la misma base del espacio-tiempo es esculpida por transformaciones constantes. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, explora la naturaleza efímera de la existencia misma. – 7 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – ESPEJISMO ONDA-PARTÍCULA
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Espejismo Onda-Partícula
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
¿Es la materia una partícula o una onda? La respuesta depende del acto de observación. Espejismo Onda-Partícula captura la naturaleza dual de los quarks, revelando la paradoja en el corazón de la mecánica cuántica. La realidad, al parecer, está moldeada por la percepción misma.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza reflexiona sobre los límites fluidos entre los estados de existencia. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, encarna la esencia esquiva de la materia, donde las líneas entre lo que es y lo que no es permanecen siempre en cambio. – 8 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – EL ENIGMA DE LA SUPERPOSICIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: El Enigma de la Superposición
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Un quark existe en todos los estados posibles hasta que es medido. El Enigma de la Superposición explora esta desconcertante verdad, donde una partícula puede estar en múltiples lugares al mismo tiempo, encarnando un espectro infinito de posibilidades antes de colapsar en un único resultado.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza desafía nuestras nociones de certeza, invitándonos a reflexionar sobre la naturaleza ilimitada del potencial. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, captura el enigma cuántico de la fluidez de la realidad. – 9 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – EL ABRAZO DE LOS HADRONES
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: El Abrazo de los Hadrones
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Unidos por la fuerza nuclear fuerte, los quarks nunca existen solos; se agrupan formando los bloques fundamentales de protones y neutrones. El Abrazo de los Hadrones captura esta conexión inquebrantable, donde las partículas fundamentales de la materia se unen para dar forma al universo tal como lo conocemos.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza simboliza la fuerza que se encuentra en la unidad, reflejando las fuerzas invisibles que mantienen cohesionada la existencia. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, representa el abrazo cósmico que estructura la realidad, recordándonos que incluso los elementos más pequeños de la naturaleza nunca están realmente aislados. – 10 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – GIRO INVISIBLE
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Giro Invisible
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Cada quark posee un giro intrínseco, una propiedad que define sus interacciones y, sin embargo, permanece oculta a simple vista. Giro Invisible revela el movimiento oculto dentro del mundo subatómico, donde las partículas giran en una danza cósmica que influye en la naturaleza misma de la realidad.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza explora las dimensiones invisibles de la existencia, donde el movimiento persiste sin forma tangible. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, encarna la rotación eterna de la energía que moldea la estructura del universo. – 11 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – CROMODINÁMICA CUÁNTICA
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Cromodinámica Cuántica
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El universo opera bajo leyes estrictas, pero en las escalas más pequeñas, un orden oculto gobierna el caos. Cromodinámica Cuántica explora las reglas intrincadas que definen cómo los quarks interactúan, unidos por el intercambio de gluones en un ciclo infinito de atracción y repulsión.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza revela la elegancia dentro de la complejidad, donde fuerzas invisibles dan forma a todo lo que vemos. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, ilustra la profunda interconexión entre partículas y energía, construyendo la arquitectura de la existencia. – 12 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – LA FUERZA NUCLEAR FUERTE
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: La Fuerza Nuclear Fuerte
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Más poderosa que la gravedad, el electromagnetismo y la fuerza nuclear débil, la fuerza nuclear fuerte es lo que mantiene unida la materia. La Fuerza Nuclear Fuerte encarna este poder indomable, capturando los lazos invisibles que impiden que el universo se disuelva en el caos.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza celebra la energía invisible que mantiene la cohesión en todas las cosas. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, representa los vínculos irrompibles que definen la existencia, recordándonos que la mayor fortaleza a menudo reside en lo imperceptible. – 13 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – MÁS ALLÁ DEL HORIZONTE DE SUCESOS
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Más Allá del Horizonte de Sucesos
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Más allá de los límites de un agujero negro, el espacio-tiempo se retuerce hacia lo desconocido. Más Allá del Horizonte de Sucesos explora el destino de los quarks mientras desaparecen en la singularidad, donde las leyes de la física se desvanecen en el misterio.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza nos invita a reflexionar sobre los límites de la realidad, donde el tiempo y el espacio dejan de funcionar como los entendemos. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, representa el umbral entre lo conocido y lo inexplorado, instándonos a abrazar las infinitas posibilidades ocultas en el cosmos. – 14 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – RED DE GLUONES
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Red de Gluones
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Uniendo los quarks, los gluones tejen una red invisible que define la estructura de la materia. Red de Gluones captura esta intrincada malla de fuerzas, donde la energía mantiene la realidad en un equilibrio continuo pero dinámico.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza revela la arquitectura oculta de la existencia, donde las conexiones trascienden el espacio físico. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, resuena con los hilos invisibles que sostienen el cosmos, enlazando pasado, presente y futuro en un vínculo inquebrantable. – 15 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – ECOS DE LA SINGULARIDAD
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Ecos de la Singularidad
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En el corazón de un agujero negro, el tiempo y el espacio colapsan en un solo punto. Ecos de la Singularidad captura la resonancia inquietante de este abismo cósmico, donde los secretos definitivos del universo permanecen ocultos más allá del alcance de la luz.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza encarna la densidad infinita del conocimiento aún por descubrir. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos invita a escuchar los susurros de la singularidad, donde los ecos de la creación y la destrucción coexisten en un ciclo eterno. – 16 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – SALTO CUÁNTICO
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Salto Cuántico
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Un salto cuántico desafía la lógica clásica: las partículas cambian de un estado a otro sin recorrer el espacio intermedio. Salto Cuántico captura este movimiento paradójico, donde la existencia se reescribe en un instante.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza representa la transformación más allá de los límites, donde la posibilidad se convierte en realidad en un solo y medible salto. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos recuerda que el cambio no siempre es gradual; a veces, sucede en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. – 17 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – PARTÍCULAS VIRTUALES
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Partículas Virtuales
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Efímeras e intangibles, las partículas virtuales parpadean dentro y fuera de la existencia, moldeando el vacío del espacio mismo. Partículas Virtuales encarna la energía inquieta que impregna la realidad, donde la nada nunca está realmente vacía.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza revela las fluctuaciones ocultas que impulsan el motor cósmico. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, explora el delicado equilibrio entre la presencia y la ausencia, donde incluso el vacío está lleno de potencial. – 18 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – EL VELO DE HIGGS
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: El Velo de Higgs
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El campo de Higgs otorga masa a todas las partículas, pero su presencia es imperceptible. El Velo de Higgs desvela la fuerza oculta que permite que la materia tome forma, transformando lo intangible en tangible.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza explora la transición de lo inmaterial a lo material, donde los límites entre la energía y la forma se disuelven. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, reflexiona sobre la influencia silenciosa que da peso a la existencia misma. – 19 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – CORRIENTES SUBATÓMICAS
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Corrientes Subatómicas
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Los quarks no se mueven de manera independiente; fluyen dentro de los campos cuánticos que definen su existencia. Corrientes Subatómicas captura las fuerzas invisibles que guían su movimiento, donde la energía está en constante flujo, dando forma a la estructura de la realidad.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza representa las corrientes siempre cambiantes que dictan la danza de las partículas. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, refleja las mareas fluctuantes del mundo cuántico, donde el movimiento es una propiedad intrínseca de la existencia. – 20 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – CAMPO DE PUNTO CERO
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Campo de Punto Cero
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Incluso en el vacío, la energía nunca está ausente. Campo de Punto Cero explora la fuerza omnipresente que impregna toda la existencia, donde el estado de energía más bajo aún resuena con actividad, desafiando la noción de vacío absoluto.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza refleja el potencial incesante que subyace en todas las cosas. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, encarna el susurro silencioso de la creación, donde la base de la realidad palpita con energía invisible. – 21 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – NATURALEZA DUAL
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Naturaleza Dual
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
La materia existe en paradoja: es tanto partícula como onda, pero nunca completamente una ni la otra. Naturaleza Dual captura esta contradicción fundamental, donde la identidad es fluida y la forma es moldeada por la observación.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza revela el delicado equilibrio entre la definición y la incertidumbre. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, encarna la coexistencia de opuestos, donde la verdad nunca es singular, sino siempre cambiante. – 22 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – HILOS DEL ESPACIO-TIEMPO
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Hilos del Espacio-Tiempo
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
La realidad no es una construcción estática; está tejida por la cambiante estructura del espacio-tiempo. Hilos del Espacio-Tiempo explora la intrincada interacción de los quarks mientras atraviesan el campo cuántico, dejando tras de sí senderos de existencia.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza revela los caminos invisibles que moldean el cosmos. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos recuerda que todo está interconectado, atado por los filamentos invisibles del tiempo y el espacio. – 23 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – EL PRINCIPIO DE INCERTIDUMBRE
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: El Principio de Incertidumbre
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En el corazón de la mecánica cuántica yace una verdad ineludible: nunca podemos conocer con absoluta precisión la posición y el momento de una partícula al mismo tiempo. El Principio de Incertidumbre captura este límite fundamental del conocimiento, donde la medición altera la realidad misma.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza refleja el misterio inherente a la existencia, donde la certeza es una ilusión y la probabilidad rige todas las cosas. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos invita a abrazar lo desconocido, donde la verdad no se define por absolutos, sino por posibilidades. – 24 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – DIMENSIONES OCULTAS
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Dimensiones Ocultas
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Más allá de las tres dimensiones que percibimos, la realidad puede extenderse a reinos invisibles. Dimensiones Ocultas explora la posibilidad de que los quarks naveguen a través de capas espaciales adicionales, moldeando la existencia de formas que aún no podemos comprender.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza revela las arquitecturas invisibles que pueden definir la verdadera naturaleza del espacio. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos invita a imaginar un universo mucho más vasto de lo que nuestros sentidos pueden revelar. – 25 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – EL SEXTO SABOR
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: El Sexto Sabor
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Los quarks existen en seis sabores únicos, cada uno desempeñando un papel en la composición de la materia. El Sexto Sabor rinde homenaje al más esquivo de todos: el quark top, una entidad fugaz pero poderosa que aparece solo en condiciones extremas.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza simboliza lo raro y extraordinario, donde la naturaleza revela sus secretos más profundos en destellos fugaces. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos recuerda que los elementos más raros a menudo contienen el mayor significado. – 26 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – LA SOMBRA DEL MUÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: La Sombra del Muón
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El muón, un primo más pesado del electrón, deja una huella que desafía las expectativas. La Sombra del Muón captura las misteriosas desviaciones observadas en su comportamiento, insinuando fuerzas desconocidas que podrían redefinir nuestra comprensión de la física.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza reflexiona sobre las anomalías que desafían nuestro conocimiento del cosmos. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos invita a cuestionar las fuerzas invisibles que operan en el mundo cuántico. – 27 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – CAMINOS DEL NEUTRINO
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Caminos del Neutrino
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Los neutrinos atraviesan la materia sin obstáculos, viajeros fantasmales del cosmos. Caminos del Neutrino explora su silencioso recorrido a través del universo, revelando una existencia no atada por las barreras físicas que definen a las partículas ordinarias.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza encarna la libertad de movimiento más allá de los límites convencionales. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, resuena con las fuerzas silenciosas pero persistentes que recorren las profundidades invisibles de la realidad. – 28 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – PATRONES DE COLISIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Patrones de Colisión
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Cuando los quarks colisionan, desvelan nuevas capas de la realidad. Patrones de Colisión captura la caótica belleza de las interacciones de alta energía, donde las partículas quedan momentáneamente liberadas, revelando la mecánica cruda de la creación.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza explora el poder transformador del impacto, donde la destrucción y la formación coexisten. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos recuerda que los avances suelen surgir de las colisiones más intensas. – 29 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – FRAGMENTOS CUÁNTICOS
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Fragmentos Cuánticos
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En las escalas más diminutas, la materia no es sólida, sino una colección de fragmentos efímeros. Fragmentos Cuánticos explora la naturaleza siempre cambiante de las partículas, donde la existencia misma es un mosaico en evolución de probabilidades.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza encarna la fluidez de la creación, donde todo está en constante transformación. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos invita a abrazar la impermanencia de todas las cosas, donde la estabilidad es solo una ilusión. – 30 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – GÉNESIS DE PARTÍCULAS
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Génesis de Partículas
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Desde el fuego primordial de la creación, emergen las partículas que conforman la realidad. Génesis de Partículas captura este momento de nacimiento, donde la energía se condensa en materia en un acto cósmico de transformación.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza simboliza el amanecer de la existencia, donde el caos da paso a la forma. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos recuerda que todo lo que vemos comenzó como una efímera fluctuación en el vacío. – 31 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – MISTERIOS DE LA ESCALA DE PLANCK
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Misterios de la Escala de Planck
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En la escala de Planck, la realidad se descompone en una forma irreconocible, donde las leyes de la física se disuelven en incertidumbre. Misterios de la Escala de Planck explora el reino donde el espacio-tiempo mismo se vuelve cuántico, fluctuando más allá de nuestra comprensión.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza profundiza en las profundidades desconocidas del universo, donde nuevas verdades esperan ser descubiertas. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos desafía a repensar lo que es posible más allá de los límites del conocimiento actual. – 32 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – CUERDAS DE LA REALIDAD
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Cuerdas de la Realidad
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En el corazón del mundo cuántico, algunas teorías proponen que las partículas no son puntos, sino cuerdas vibrantes de energía. Cuerdas de la Realidad captura la esencia de esta perspectiva, donde el universo mismo resuena con frecuencias fundamentales.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza representa la red interconectada de la existencia, donde la vibración es la esencia de todas las cosas. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos invita a explorar el ritmo del cosmos, donde energía y estructura son una sola entidad. – 33 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – VIBRACIÓN ETERNA
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Vibración Eterna
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Nada en el universo está verdaderamente en reposo. Vibración Eterna encarna el movimiento incesante de las partículas, donde incluso el vacío del espacio pulsa con energía invisible, dando forma a la naturaleza misma de la existencia.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza refleja las oscilaciones interminables que sustentan el cosmos. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos recuerda que el movimiento es la naturaleza fundamental de la realidad, donde la creación es una canción eterna. – 34 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – EL PRIMER TEMBLOR
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: El Primer Temblor
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Antes de que la forma tomara cuerpo, antes de que la materia se cohesionara, hubo un temblor: la primera ondulación en el campo cuántico. El Primer Temblor captura el génesis del movimiento, el despertar de la realidad desde el vacío.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza representa el nacimiento mismo de la existencia, donde la energía se agita y la posibilidad toma forma. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos recuerda que incluso las creaciones más grandiosas comienzan con la más pequeña vibración. – 35 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – LA RED CÓSMICA
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: La Red Cósmica
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El espacio no está vacío: es una red de fuerzas que dictan el comportamiento de la materia. La Red Cósmica explora la estructura oculta del universo, donde los quarks bailan a lo largo de líneas invisibles de energía.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza desvela los patrones subyacentes que gobiernan la existencia. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos invita a ver más allá de lo visible y adentrarnos en la arquitectura de la realidad misma. – 36 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – DANZA DE ANIQUILACIÓN
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Danza de Aniquilación
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Cuando la materia se encuentra con la antimateria, ambas desaparecen en un destello de pura energía. Danza de Aniquilación captura este delicado equilibrio entre la existencia y el olvido, donde la creación y la destrucción están inseparablemente entrelazadas.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza encarna la paradoja de la existencia, donde las fuerzas opuestas definen el todo. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos recuerda que la energía nunca desaparece, solo se transforma. – 37 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – REALIDADES EMERGENTES
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Realidades Emergentes
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Desde la interacción de los elementos más pequeños, emergen mundos enteros. Realidades Emergentes explora la idea de que la complejidad surge naturalmente de la simplicidad, que todo está construido desde lo más fundamental.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza captura la transición de lo micro a lo macro, donde las partículas se ensamblan en estructuras grandiosas. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, ilustra la profunda verdad de que la realidad no se impone, sino que se autoorganiza. – 38 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – PUENTES CUÁNTICOS
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Puentes Cuánticos
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
A nivel cuántico, las partículas desafían la distancia, formando conexiones a través de vastos espacios. Puentes Cuánticos captura este extraño fenómeno, donde el entrelazamiento crea caminos invisibles que conectan la esencia misma de la existencia.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza representa la unidad de todas las cosas, donde la separación es solo una ilusión. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos recuerda que, a lo largo del universo, todo sigue entrelazado. – 39 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – ARMONÍAS DE SUPERCUERDAS
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Armonías de Supercuerdas
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Si la realidad está compuesta por cuerdas vibrantes de energía, entonces el universo es una sinfonía. Armonías de Supercuerdas explora este concepto, donde las fuerzas fundamentales de la naturaleza resuenan en perfecta armonía matemática.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza encarna la idea de que todas las cosas están conectadas a través de las vibraciones de la existencia. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos recuerda que desde el quark más pequeño hasta la galaxia más inmensa, todo es parte de una misma melodía cósmica. – 40 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – EL SUSURRO DE LA GRAVEDAD
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: El Susurro de la Gravedad
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
A diferencia de otras fuerzas fundamentales, la gravedad es la más débil y, sin embargo, la más extensa. El Susurro de la Gravedad captura su atracción sutil pero implacable, la fuerza invisible que da forma a las galaxias, las estrellas y la estructura del espacio-tiempo mismo.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza revela la danza silenciosa de la materia, donde incluso la más mínima masa deforma la realidad. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos recuerda que el verdadero poder a menudo es silencioso, pero innegable. – 41 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – QUANTAS INTEMPORALES
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Quantas Intemporales
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
A nivel cuántico, el tiempo puede no fluir como lo percibimos. Quantas Intemporales explora la noción de que el pasado, el presente y el futuro están entrelazados en un solo tapiz de existencia, donde las partículas se mueven sin depender de la flecha del tiempo.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza desafía nuestra percepción lineal de la realidad. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos invita a ver el tiempo no como un río, sino como una red intrincada de posibilidades infinitas. – 42 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – CORRIENTES OCULTAS
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Corrientes Ocultas
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Bajo la superficie del universo visible, fuerzas invisibles moldean el movimiento de las partículas. Corrientes Ocultas explora estos flujos energéticos imperceptibles, donde los quarks navegan en un océano de campos fluctuantes.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza revela los movimientos invisibles que sustentan la realidad. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos recuerda que incluso en la quietud hay movimiento, y en el vacío, hay forma. – 43 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – MÁS ALLÁ DE LA CAUSALIDAD
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Más Allá de la Causalidad
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
En el mundo cuántico, los efectos pueden preceder a las causas y las partículas pueden influenciarse mutuamente a distancias inimaginables sin demoras. Más Allá de la Causalidad explora la ruptura de la relación convencional de causa y efecto, donde la realidad no es tan lineal como parece.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza representa los misterios que desafían la intuición, donde la realidad se moldea por probabilidades más que por leyes deterministas. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos invita a contemplar un universo en el que pasado y futuro pueden coexistir en un solo instante. – 44 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – PARTÍCULAS ESPEJO
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Partículas Espejo
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Para cada partícula, existe una antipartícula: una imagen especular perfecta con carga opuesta. Partículas Espejo explora esta dualidad fundamental, donde la materia y la antimateria existen como reflejos una de la otra, equilibrando la delicada armonía del universo.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza encarna el concepto de simetría en la naturaleza. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos recuerda que cada acción tiene su contraparte y que la realidad se define por la danza entre opuestos. – 45 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – HILOS DE MATERIA OSCURA
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Hilos de Materia Oscura
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
La mayor parte del universo está compuesta por algo que no podemos ver. Hilos de Materia Oscura explora la estructura oculta que mantiene unidas las galaxias, una presencia invisible que da forma al cosmos sin ser detectada directamente.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza representa las fuerzas no vistas que sostienen la realidad. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos invita a cuestionar qué hay más allá de los límites de nuestra percepción, donde las respuestas pueden estar ocultas en la oscuridad. – 46 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – FUERZAS ENTRELAZADAS
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Fuerzas Entrelazadas
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Las cuatro fuerzas fundamentales—gravedad, electromagnetismo, la fuerza fuerte y la fuerza débil—gobiernan todas las interacciones del universo. Fuerzas Entrelazadas explora su conexión profunda, donde fenómenos aparentemente distintos están unidos por un campo unificado.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza simboliza la armonía de las leyes naturales, donde las fuerzas trabajan juntas para generar orden a partir del caos. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos recuerda que cada movimiento, cada interacción, forma parte de un tapiz cósmico mayor. – 47 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – ECOS DE ANTIQUARKS
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Ecos de Antiquarks
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Los antiquarks existen como los homólogos de los quarks, pero por razones desconocidas, el universo favorece la materia sobre la antimateria. Ecos de Antiquarks explora esta asimetría cósmica, donde los vestigios de las partículas aniquiladas pueden seguir resonando en la realidad.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza encarna el misterio de la existencia misma, donde el equilibrio del universo está determinado por una preferencia imperceptible. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos recuerda que, incluso en la destrucción, quedan ecos persistentes. – 48 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – EL LÍMITE DE PLANCK
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: El Límite de Planck
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
La longitud de Planck es la escala más pequeña posible donde las leyes de la física, tal como las conocemos, dejan de tener sentido. El Límite de Planck representa la frontera última, donde el espacio-tiempo mismo se disuelve en incertidumbre cuántica.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza explora los límites de la realidad, donde lo conocido se encuentra con lo desconocido. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos invita a reflexionar sobre los bordes de la existencia, donde solo la especulación puede aventurarse. – 49 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – VISIONES DE TÚNEL
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Visiones de Túnel
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
A nivel cuántico, las barreras son una ilusión. Visiones de Túnel explora la extraña capacidad de las partículas para atravesar obstáculos como si nunca hubieran estado allí, desafiando las leyes de la física clásica.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza representa el poder de las posibilidades invisibles, donde las limitaciones son simplemente probabilidades que pueden ser superadas. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos invita a cuestionar qué es realmente imposible. – 50 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – FLUJO CUÁNTICO
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Flujo Cuántico
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Nada en el mundo cuántico permanece inmóvil: todo fluctúa, cambia y se transforma. Flujo Cuántico captura esta energía incesante, donde las partículas existen en un estado de movimiento perpetuo, incluso en la quietud absoluta.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza encarna la naturaleza siempre cambiante de la existencia, donde la estabilidad es una ilusión. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos recuerda que la realidad misma está en un constante estado de evolución. – 51 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – PARADOJA ENTRÓPICA
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Paradoja Entrópica
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
La entropía impulsa al universo hacia el desorden, y sin embargo, de ese caos surgen nuevas estructuras. Paradoja Entrópica explora esta contradicción, donde el desorden y la organización coexisten como dos caras de la misma ley fundamental.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza refleja la dualidad de la transformación, donde los finales dan lugar a nuevos comienzos. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos invita a aceptar lo inevitable, sabiendo que dentro de la decadencia siempre hay creación. – 52 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – CURVATURA DEL PENSAMIENTO
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Curvatura del Pensamiento
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Así como la gravedad curva el espacio-tiempo, el pensamiento moldea la percepción. Curvatura del Pensamiento explora la naturaleza maleable de la realidad, donde la mente da forma al universo tanto como las fuerzas físicas.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza representa la interacción entre la conciencia y la existencia, donde la percepción crea su propia atracción gravitacional. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos invita a explorar el poder del pensamiento en la construcción del mundo que experimentamos. – 53 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – DANZA CÓSMICA DE LOS NEUTRINOS
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Danza Cósmica de los Neutrinos
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Invisible pero omnipresente, los neutrinos atraviesan todas las cosas sin dejar rastro. Danza Cósmica de los Neutrinos captura su etéreo movimiento, donde las partículas viajan libremente a través de galaxias, sin ataduras a las fuerzas que rigen la materia común.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza encarna el movimiento silencioso del cosmos, donde la presencia y la ausencia existen en perfecto equilibrio. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos recuerda que lo que no podemos ver aún puede influir en nuestro mundo. – 54 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – CONSTELACIONES DE QUARKS
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Constelaciones de Quarks
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Aunque inimaginablemente pequeños, los quarks forman la base del universo, así como las estrellas componen las galaxias. Constelaciones de Quarks establece un paralelismo entre lo micro y lo macro, donde los patrones cósmicos reflejan la arquitectura oculta de la materia.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza revela la naturaleza fractal de la existencia, donde los componentes más diminutos reflejan las estructuras más grandiosas. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos recuerda que la escala es solo una cuestión de perspectiva. – 55 NFT DE 96 – LOS QUARKS – EL LATIDO DE LA CREACIÓN – ECOS ENTRELAZADOS
Serie: Mundos Paralelos
Título: Ecos Entrelazados
Técnica: Arte NFT Virtual – Extraído del Tríptico Realidad Virtual 1 – Acrílico sobre lienzo
Precio: USD 250
Año: 2024-2025
Autor: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
El entrelazamiento cuántico desafía la distancia: dos partículas permanecen conectadas sin importar cuán separadas estén. Ecos Entrelazados captura este vínculo misterioso, donde la separación es solo una ilusión y la realidad está tejida con hilos invisibles.
Extraído del tríptico Realidad Virtual 1, esta pieza encarna la naturaleza interconectada de todas las cosas. Como parte de la serie Mundos Paralelos, nos recuerda que cada acción resuena a través del espacio, conectándonos de maneras que tal vez nunca comprendamos por completo.
Series of 96 NFTs
From the first concept to the final reflection, the QUANTO has guided us on a boundless journey where reality, consciousness, and the universe unfold as an eternal dance between the known and the unknown.
We have explored the underlying structure of existence, from the primordial singularity to the fractal patterns that repeat at every level of reality. We have questioned the nature of time, perception, the void, and information—wondering whether the universe is a book already written or if we are writing each page as we move forward.
But what have we truly discovered?
🔹 The QUANTO is not just the fundamental unit of the cosmos; it is the essence of change, the very vibration of existence.
🔹 Reality is not a static object but a field of ever-changing possibilities, shaped by perception and consciousness.
🔹 Knowledge has no final destination. Every answer opens a new question, every limit is merely a threshold to something greater.
🔹 The universe is not an external entity we merely observe; it is something we live and co-create with every thought, every act of awareness.
🔹 And in the end, we realize that the QUANTO was never a destination—it was the understanding that we have always been a part of it.
After this journey, the deepest question is not whether the QUANTO has an end, but rather:
How do we live knowing that we are part of it?
Perhaps the only answer is this:
👉 To live with the certainty that reality is infinite, consciousness is ever-expanding, and knowledge is not a destination, but an invitation to keep exploring.
The QUANTO does not end here. We have merely opened a door… and beyond it, existence continues to unveil its mysteries.
🚀 The journey never ends. The exploration continues. 🌟✨
Since the dawn of the universe, existence has pulsed with an unceasing vibration: the eternal dance of the QUANTO. Beyond matter and energy, the QUANTO represents the primordial heartbeat of the cosmos, a vast network of information, possibility, and dynamic flow that shapes reality at its most fundamental levels.
While QUARKS form the material foundation of the universe, the QUANTO is its symphony—the invisible melody that dictates the structure of all things. It is the essence of change and transformation, the latent code that underlies both quantum reality and consciousness. Its nature is not static, but an eternal becoming, an oscillation between the potential and the manifest.
The QUANTO is not only the foundation of material existence but also the force that defines its evolution. It is the expression of a cycle without beginning or end, where creation, expansion, perception, and dissolution intertwine in an endless flow of infinite possibilities.
This cycle can be broken down into eight fundamental states, reflecting the harmonic structure of the universe:
🔹 The QUANTO in its purest state: an ocean of absolute potential before the birth of reality.
- The Infinite Singularity – Everything that exists and will exist is contained in a single, timeless essence.
- The First Pulse – The initial vibration that shatters the eternal silence and begins existence.
- Waves of Potential – Reality yet unmanifested, oscillating between infinite possibilities.
🔹 The QUANTO transforms into pure vibration, shaping the foundations of space-time.
4. The Primordial Quanta – The first oscillation that defines the rules of manifestation.
5. Before Time Began – Reality exists without time, floating in a superposition of states.
6. The Vacuum Stirring – What seems empty is, in fact, an infinite field of energetic fluctuations.
🔹 Patterns emerge from quantum chaos, establishing the forms that will give rise to visible reality.
7. Cosmic Superposition – Everything that can exist, coexists within a single quantum state.
8. The Quantum Genesis – The first established structure: the cosmos is born from its own reflection.
These eight states encapsulate the fundamental cycle of the QUANTO, from its state of absolute potential to its first manifestation. Like a fractal, these patterns will repeat throughout the series, forming a conceptual tapestry where each NFT represents a unique piece of this cosmic puzzle.
The QUANTO is not just the foundation of existence but the expression of the infinite dance between order and chaos, light and shadow, perception and matter. – 1 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE INFINITE SINGULARITY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Infinite Singularity
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Before time, before space, before existence itself, there was only The Infinite Singularity—a boundless point where all that was, is, and will be remained unified in a state beyond comprehension. Neither light nor darkness, neither form nor void, it was the absolute origin of all possibility: a paradox of infinite energy compressed into a single, timeless essence.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece represents the threshold of everything and nothing, the instant where reality had yet to unfold and existence was merely a whisper in eternal silence.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Infinite Singularity invites contemplation of the primordial mystery: before the universe could be observed, did it already exist, waiting for the first wave of awareness? – 2 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FIRST PULSE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The First Pulse
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
From the motionless vastness of the Infinite Singularity, The First Pulse emerged. It was the moment stillness broke, and existence began its expansion. Not an explosion, but a primordial vibration—a resonant wave that gave shape to what was yet to be.
This initial pulse not only marked the birth of the universe but set the rhythm of all reality. Every particle, every law, every structure we know is an echo of that first vibration—the heartbeat that still resonates within the fabric of the cosmos.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece encapsulates the zero moment of movement, when absolute silence transformed into pure frequency.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The First Pulse invites reflection on the nature of existence: if everything was born from a single vibration, is the universe itself an expanding symphony? – 3 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – WAVES OF POTENTIAL
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: Waves of Potential
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó**
As The First Pulse spread through the void, it gave birth to an ocean of infinite possibilities—Waves of Potential undulating across the nascent universe. This was the stage before form, where energy fluctuated freely, unbound by time, direction, or structure.
At this moment, nothing was defined, yet everything was possible. The universe existed as a vast, undetermined probability field, where all realities coexisted in harmony before collapsing into matter and motion.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the silent breath of potential, the endless sea of probability before the cosmos took its first steps toward form.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, Waves of Potential asks a fundamental question: before things became what they are, were they always destined to be? – 4 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE PRIMORDIAL QUANTA
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Primordial Quanta
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó**
From the undulating sea of pure potential, the first quantized structures emerged—The Primordial Quanta. These were the smallest, indivisible building blocks of reality, the first stable echoes of energy that would one day become the foundation of all existence.
At this stage, the universe was no longer formless but vibrating with defined pulses, where energy began to crystallize into the seeds of quarks, photons, and the forces that would shape the cosmos.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece represents the first imprint of structure, where raw energy took its first step toward becoming something greater.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Primordial Quanta poses a paradox: if energy and matter are interchangeable, was existence ever truly separate from the void? – 5 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – BEFORE TIME BEGAN
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: Before Time Began
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó**
Even as The Primordial Quanta formed, there was still no flow of time—only an infinite present. Before Time Began, the universe existed in a timeless state, where cause and effect were meaningless, and all events were simultaneous.
In this era, the fabric of space had not yet unfolded, and the passage of moments did not exist. It was a paradox: the first particles had emerged, yet they were frozen in a state of undefined chronology, waiting for the first ripple of causality.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the stillness before the clockwork of reality began ticking.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, Before Time Began invites us to ponder: is time something we move through, or is it something we create by observing change? – 6 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE VACUUM STIRRING
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Vacuum Stirring
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó**
What appears to be emptiness is never truly empty. The Vacuum Stirring represents the restless energy woven into the very fabric of space. Even before galaxies formed, before matter coalesced, the void itself trembled with fluctuations of energy—an endless churn of virtual particles appearing and vanishing in an instant.
This phenomenon, known as quantum fluctuations, was the first whisper of motion in the cosmic silence. Though imperceptible to the eye, these fleeting disturbances in the vacuum set the stage for everything that followed.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the unseen motion within all things, where stillness is merely an illusion.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Vacuum Stirring challenges our perception: if even emptiness is filled with energy, is there truly such a thing as «nothingness»? – 7 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – COSMIC SUPERPOSITION
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: Cosmic Superposition
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó**
Before reality settled into its familiar forms, it existed in a paradox—Cosmic Superposition. Every possibility coexisted at once, a limitless field of overlapping outcomes, where the universe had not yet chosen its path.
This is the essence of quantum mechanics at the largest scale: a universe in flux, where multiple states remained entangled, waiting for an act of measurement or interaction to define them.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the state of ultimate uncertainty, where all that could be existed simultaneously.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, Cosmic Superposition asks a fundamental question: was the universe always destined to unfold as it did, or did it choose its course the moment we began to observe it? – 8 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE QUANTUM GENESIS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Quantum Genesis
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó**
From the waves of probability, the Quantum Genesis took form. This was the decisive moment when energy condensed into stable patterns, where randomness gave way to the first measurable structures.
The first laws of nature emerged—not by chance, but through an intricate balance of symmetry and interaction. What was once formless potential began to crystallize into the first quantum fields, setting in motion the architecture of the universe.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece represents the cosmic moment when chaos and order became one.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Quantum Genesis prompts reflection: did these laws emerge naturally, or were they encoded within the fabric of reality from the very beginning? – 9 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FIRST QUANTUM RIPPLES
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The First Quantum Ripples
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó**
As The Quantum Genesis unfolded, disturbances rippled across the newborn universe—waves of energy traveling through the vast expanse of spacetime. The First Quantum Ripples were the echoes of creation, subtle imprints that carried the blueprint of everything yet to come.
These ripples later gave birth to the cosmic structures we see today: galaxies, stars, planets, and the very fabric of reality itself. The universe, once a formless sea of potential, now bore the first signs of organization.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece symbolizes the silent echoes of the first breath of the cosmos.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The First Quantum Ripples leads us to wonder: are we still feeling the tremors of that first moment, shaping the universe with every wave of motion? – 10 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FRACTAL IMPRINT
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Fractal Imprint
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó**
The fabric of the universe is not random—it follows intricate, repeating patterns. The Fractal Imprint is the signature of creation itself, where the smallest structures reflect the grandest cosmic formations.
This self-similarity can be found in galaxies, in atoms, in the very patterns of nature. The universe is woven from a single mathematical thread, echoing itself across every scale of existence.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the hidden order beneath chaos, where infinity repeats itself in endless variations.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Fractal Imprint asks a profound question: if everything follows the same patterns, does free will exist, or are we simply unfolding within a predetermined cosmic sequence? – 11 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE GEOMETRY OF EXISTENCE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Geometry of Existence**
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40**
Year: 2024-2025**
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó**
From the first quantum structures emerged The Geometry of Existence, where energy found equilibrium in form, and space took on measurable dimensions. The seemingly chaotic dance of particles resolved into harmonious proportions, giving rise to the fundamental symmetries of reality.
These patterns—triangles, spirals, golden ratios—can be found from the microscopic to the cosmic scale, proving that the language of the universe is not randomness, but geometry woven into the very essence of existence.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the sacred order hidden beneath apparent disorder.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Geometry of Existence challenges us to ask: is mathematics a human invention, or is it the foundation upon which the universe was built? – 12 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE SACRED OSCILLATION
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Sacred Oscillation
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40**
Year: 2024-2025**
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó**
All things in existence resonate with a fundamental frequency. The Sacred Oscillation represents the universal rhythm that underlies every particle, every wave, and every interaction in the cosmos.
Just as sound and light travel in waves, so too does the very fabric of reality, pulsing with energy that sustains all things. This oscillation is what gives rise to movement, to energy transfer, and ultimately to life itself.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the eternal vibration that fuels the heartbeat of the universe.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Sacred Oscillation asks: if everything vibrates with a frequency, could consciousness itself be a harmonic resonance within this cosmic symphony? – 13 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE UNSEEN THREADS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Unseen Threads
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40**
Year: 2024-2025**
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó**
Beneath what we perceive lies an intricate network of The Unseen Threads, where every force, every interaction, and every event is connected by invisible bonds. These quantum entanglements weave the hidden structure of reality, linking particles across time and space in ways that defy classical physics.
This unseen fabric of the universe suggests that separation is an illusion and that all things, no matter how distant, are bound together in a dance of synchronicity and resonance.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the interconnected web that silently holds the cosmos together.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Unseen Threads raises a question: if everything is connected, does true individuality exist, or are we all part of a singular, unified consciousness? – 14 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE UNFOLDING DIMENSIONS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Unfolding Dimensions
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40**
Year: 2024-2025**
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó**
Reality is not limited to what we see—hidden dimensions shape the universe beyond human perception. The Unfolding Dimensions represents the layers of reality that slowly reveal themselves as we expand our understanding.
The universe may not be confined to the three spatial dimensions we know; it may hold extra dimensions curled within the very fabric of existence, influencing forces and interactions in ways beyond our comprehension.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the ever-expanding nature of knowledge and perception.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Unfolding Dimensions invites us to wonder: how much of reality remains unseen, waiting for us to open new eyes to its existence? – 15 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE UNIVERSAL MIRROR
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Universal Mirror
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40**
Year: 2024-2025**
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó**
The cosmos is a mirror unto itself. The Universal Mirror reflects the idea that every scale of reality—from the quantum to the cosmic—shares the same fundamental principles.
As we observe the universe, it observes us in return, revealing truths that were always embedded in its structure. This fractal self-similarity suggests that understanding one piece of the cosmos is the key to understanding the whole.
Extracted from the triptych Realidad Virtual 1, this piece symbolizes the eternal reflection of existence within itself.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Universal Mirror invites deep contemplation: if we are reflections of the universe, is the universe itself a reflection of something greater? – 16 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE AETHERIAN FLOW
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Aetherian Flow**
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40**
Year: 2024-2025**
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó**
Beyond space and time exists a hidden current—the Aetherian Flow, the unseen river of energy that guides the motion of all things. Though once dismissed as myth, modern physics suggests that the vacuum of space itself is alive with fluctuations, a limitless sea of potential energy.
This flow is what binds galaxies, directs cosmic forces, and allows for the subtle whispers of quantum interactions across unfathomable distances.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the invisible tide that shapes the motion of the cosmos.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Aetherian Flow invites speculation: is the movement of reality governed by randomness, or is there an underlying current guiding its course? – 17 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE PARTICLE DREAM
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Particle Dream**
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40**
Year: 2024-2025**
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó**
Particles flicker in and out of existence, living ephemeral lives in a realm where time and space are blurred. The Particle Dream represents the strange reality of quantum mechanics, where nothing is truly solid—only probabilities collapsing into fleeting moments of presence.
At this scale, reality does not behave as expected. A particle may exist in multiple places at once, or even cease to exist entirely before reappearing. This is not randomness, but rather the fundamental rhythm of existence itself.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the impermanence of all things, where existence is but a brief note in an infinite symphony.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Particle Dream asks: is reality a solid construct, or is it merely the illusion of stability within an endless quantum flux? – 18 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE GRAVITATIONAL VEIL
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Gravitational Veil**
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40**
Year: 2024-2025**
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó**
Gravity is not merely a force—it is the warping of reality itself. The Gravitational Veil represents the unseen curvature of space-time, a hidden architecture that bends the movement of planets, stars, and even light itself.
Though invisible, gravity sculpts the grandest cosmic landscapes, drawing galaxies into spirals and forging the very structure of the universe. It is the silent artist of existence, carving space into elegant, flowing forms.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the invisible hands that shape the cosmos, bending the very fabric of reality.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Gravitational Veil asks: is gravity a mere consequence of mass, or is it the secret force guiding the design of all things? – 19 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE TIMEWAVE PARADOX
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Timewave Paradox**
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40**
Year: 2024-2025**
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó**
Time is not linear—it ripples, bends, and folds upon itself. The Timewave Paradox explores the fluid nature of time, where past, present, and future are not separate, but woven into a single continuum.
At the quantum level, time behaves unpredictably. Some particles ignore the arrow of time altogether, existing simultaneously in different moments, refusing to obey our understanding of cause and effect.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the illusion of progression, where time is not a straight line, but an ocean of overlapping waves.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Timewave Paradox raises a question: if time is flexible, could our perception of the past and future be nothing more than the limits of human awareness? – 20 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE DARK ENERGY RESONANCE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Dark Energy Resonance**
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40**
Year: 2024-2025**
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó**
The expansion of the universe is accelerating, driven by an unseen force—The Dark Energy Resonance. This mysterious presence permeates all of existence, yet its nature remains elusive, defying understanding.
Unlike gravity, which pulls, dark energy pushes—stretching the very fabric of reality at increasing speeds. It is the force of separation, the silent whisper urging the cosmos outward into the unknown.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the enigmatic force driving the universe toward infinity.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Dark Energy Resonance poses a final question: is the universe expanding into something, or is it simply unraveling the boundaries of what is possible? – 21 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FIELD OF ALL POSSIBILITIES
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Field of All Possibilities
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Reality is not a fixed structure, but a field of infinite potential. The Field of All Possibilities represents the quantum fabric where every outcome, every moment, and every variation exists in a state of superposition, waiting to be observed and realized.
At this level, the cosmos is an ocean of probabilities—nothing is determined until an act of consciousness interacts with it, collapsing one possibility into the realm of the real.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the limitless nature of existence, where every choice creates a new path through the quantum landscape.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Field of All Possibilities questions our role in reality: do we passively observe the universe, or do we actively shape it with every decision? – 22 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE HOLOGRAPHIC PARADOX
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Holographic Paradox
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
What if reality is not three-dimensional, but merely an encoded projection of information? The Holographic Paradox suggests that everything we experience is a representation of quantum data, imprinted on the fabric of spacetime like light on a holographic film.
This theory implies that the entire universe—galaxies, consciousness, time itself—could be a shadow of a deeper, hidden reality beyond our perception.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the illusion of solidity, where existence itself may be nothing more than a beautifully intricate pattern of information.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Holographic Paradox raises an unsettling thought: if reality is a projection, then what lies beyond the veil of perception? – 23 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FRACTAL SYMMETRY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Fractal Symmetry
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
The same patterns repeat from the microscopic to the cosmic, proving that reality is built upon Fractal Symmetry. The spirals in galaxies, the branches of trees, the structure of atoms—these are not coincidences, but reflections of the same underlying mathematical order.
Each part of the universe contains the whole within it, a self-replicating tapestry of form that echoes through every scale of existence.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the repeating patterns that bridge all levels of reality, uniting the vast and the minuscule in a single geometric harmony.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Fractal Symmetry invites us to ask: if the universe is self-similar at every scale, could it itself be part of an even greater fractal beyond our perception? – 24 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE LIGHT MATRIX
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Light Matrix
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Light is more than illumination—it is the fundamental carrier of information across the universe. The Light Matrix explores the idea that photons are not just messengers of energy but the very threads that weave the cosmic web.
From the birth of stars to the signals traveling between neurons, everything that moves and interacts in reality is governed by the principles of light. It is the silent architect of perception, the medium through which time and space communicate.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the lattice of energy and motion that connects all things.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Light Matrix questions: is light merely an aspect of reality, or is it the blueprint upon which all existence is designed? – 25 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE COSMIC BLUEPRINT
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Cosmic Blueprint
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Beneath the apparent randomness of the cosmos lies The Cosmic Blueprint—an invisible order that dictates the structure and evolution of reality.
From the force of gravity to the quantum states of subatomic particles, everything follows precise mathematical rules, as if written into the very foundation of existence.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the encoded logic that binds all forces into a singular, harmonious structure.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Cosmic Blueprint makes us wonder: is the universe an accident, or is it the expression of a hidden intelligence embedded within its laws? – 26 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE UNIFIED FREQUENCY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Unified Frequency
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Everything in the universe vibrates, from the smallest quanta to the vastest galactic clusters. The Unified Frequency represents the deep resonance that connects all matter and energy, the fundamental tone from which existence emerges.
Some believe this frequency is more than a scientific principle—it is the song of reality itself, an inaudible rhythm that sustains creation across every dimension.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the invisible harmonics that unify all of existence into a single, resonant field.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Unified Frequency invites reflection: if the universe vibrates with a singular tone, could we one day tune into it and understand its deepest secrets? – 27 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE AWARENESS FIELD
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Awareness Field
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Does consciousness arise from the brain, or is it embedded in the fabric of the universe itself? The Awareness Field suggests that reality is not separate from observation but is shaped by the presence of an observer.
The quantum world behaves differently when measured, as if acknowledging its own awareness. Could it be that consciousness and existence are entangled at the deepest level?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece explores the mysterious relationship between mind and matter, where perception may be the architect of reality itself.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Awareness Field challenges us to ask: do we perceive the universe, or does the universe perceive itself through us? – 28 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE CONSCIOUS PARTICLE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Conscious Particle
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
A single particle can exist in multiple states until observed—then, and only then, does it «decide» its fate. The Conscious Particle represents the strange yet fundamental nature of quantum mechanics, where the act of observation influences reality itself.
At the heart of this mystery is a profound question: does consciousness collapse the wavefunction, or does reality exist independently of observation?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the paradox of awareness, where even the smallest building blocks of reality seem to «know» they are being watched.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Conscious Particle forces us to ask: is reality created by the observer, or is the observer an extension of reality? – 29 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE NEURAL COSMOS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Neural Cosmos
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
The structure of the universe eerily resembles the structure of the human brain. The Neural Cosmos explores the possibility that the cosmos itself behaves like a vast, interconnected network, mirroring the neural pathways that govern thought and perception.
If galaxies and neurons share the same design, could it be that the universe is itself a conscious entity, thinking, evolving, and expanding in ways we have yet to comprehend?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the startling resemblance between the smallest and largest scales of existence.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Neural Cosmos sparks the ultimate question: if the universe resembles a brain, could it itself be alive and self-aware? – 30 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE QUANTUM MIND
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Quantum Mind
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Consciousness may not be a product of the brain but a quantum phenomenon. The Quantum Mind explores the idea that thought itself is governed by the same principles that rule the subatomic world—superposition, entanglement, and uncertainty.
If true, this would mean that our minds are not isolated, but connected to the universe at a fundamental level, woven into the same reality that governs all things.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the limitless nature of awareness, where the mind and the cosmos exist as reflections of one another.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Quantum Mind presents a profound challenge: is consciousness simply a byproduct of biology, or is it an intrinsic aspect of the quantum fabric of the universe? – 31 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE ECHO OF POSSIBILITY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Echo of Possibility
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Every action, every thought, every quantum event sends ripples through reality. The Echo of Possibility represents the lingering resonance of choices made and paths not taken, where every potential future exists within the fabric of the present.
This quantum principle suggests that every possibility still «echoes» in existence, forming a web of infinite outcomes that are waiting to be realized.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the lingering vibrations of what could have been and what still might be.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Echo of Possibility invites reflection: if every possibility exists, then are we truly choosing, or simply following the resonance of decisions already made? – 32 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE OBSERVER’S GAZE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Observer’s Gaze
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Nothing in the quantum world is truly real until it is observed. The Observer’s Gaze represents the profound mystery of measurement in quantum mechanics, where the mere act of looking alters the nature of reality itself.
Does the universe exist independently, or does it need an observer to bring it into being? This question lies at the heart of physics, philosophy, and the nature of consciousness.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the paradox of reality’s dependence on perception, where the act of seeing shapes what is seen.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Observer’s Gaze asks: is there a universe that exists without anyone to witness it, or is observation the fundamental force that brings it into existence? – 33 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE QUANTUM MIRROR
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Quantum Mirror
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Reality does not just exist—it reflects itself. The Quantum Mirror represents the principle of entanglement, where two particles remain connected across infinite distances, mirroring each other’s states instantaneously.
What one observes in one part of the universe is not separate from the whole, but an echo of something greater—a reflection of the interconnected fabric of existence.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the hidden symmetries of nature, where every action is part of a grander cosmic dance.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Quantum Mirror asks: if everything reflects something else, then what is the universe mirroring? – 34 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE COLLAPSE OF UNCERTAINTY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Collapse of Uncertainty
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
At the heart of quantum mechanics lies uncertainty—until something is observed, it exists in multiple states at once. The Collapse of Uncertainty represents the moment when a wave of possibilities transforms into a single, definite reality.
Before observation, an electron could be anywhere. But the instant it is measured, all other potential locations vanish, leaving only one outcome behind.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the fleeting nature of choice, where infinite potentials fade the moment one path is chosen.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Collapse of Uncertainty forces us to consider: does the universe make decisions, or do we create reality by choosing where to look? – 35 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE SUPERPOSITION CODE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Superposition Code
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
At the smallest scale, reality is not singular—it exists in superposition, where particles are neither here nor there, but in multiple states at once. The Superposition Code represents this fundamental property of the quantum world, where certainty is an illusion.
If a particle can be in two places at once, can the same be true for time, consciousness, or even entire universes?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the paradox of existence, where everything is possible until the moment it is known.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Superposition Code raises a question: if reality itself exists in multiple states, could we be living in all possible versions of our lives at once? – 36 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE QUANTUM PULSE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Quantum Pulse
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
At the deepest level of existence, the universe does not flow continuously—it pulses. The Quantum Pulse represents the stop-motion nature of time and space, where reality flickers in and out of existence in rapid bursts of energy.
This suggests that motion, awareness, and even time itself might not be as smooth as they seem, but composed of discrete packets of experience.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the pulsating rhythm that drives the beat of the cosmos.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Quantum Pulse poses a fundamental question: if reality is made of individual frames of existence, then what lies between the frames? – 37 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE VOID BETWEEN WORLDS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Void Between Worlds
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Between every state of existence, there is a space of nothingness—The Void Between Worlds. This is the realm between realities, where the past has vanished and the future has yet to arrive.
Some believe this void is not empty but holds the raw potential from which all things emerge. It is the threshold between what is and what could be.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the silent space where transitions occur, the liminal zone between possibility and form.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Void Between Worlds challenges us: if reality moves from moment to moment, what exists in the space in between? – 38 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE UNSEEN CONSTANT
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Unseen Constant
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
The universe appears chaotic, yet beneath it all, there is a hidden stability—The Unseen Constant. This is the silent force that holds everything together, the unseen equation that ensures balance across the cosmos.
Whether it is the fine-tuned constants of physics, the mathematical symmetries of nature, or the fundamental ratios found in all things, this principle suggests that order is embedded deep within the fabric of existence.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece uncovers the invisible blueprint that keeps reality from dissolving into disorder.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Unseen Constant leads us to ask: is the universe self-regulating, or is it being guided by an intelligence we have yet to understand? – 39 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE TIMELESS FRACTURE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Timeless Fracture
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Time is not always continuous—it sometimes breaks. The Timeless Fracture represents those moments when reality splits, when the sequence of cause and effect is disrupted, and time folds back on itself.
At the quantum level, time can flow in both directions, making it unclear whether the present determines the past or the past determines the present.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the cracks in the flow of time, where history and future converge in paradox.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Timeless Fracture makes us consider: if time is fractured, then are we truly moving forward, or are we trapped in a repeating loop? – 40 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE EXPANDING NOW
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Expanding Now
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
What if the present is not a fleeting moment, but an ever-expanding field? The Expanding Now suggests that the «now» is not a single point in time, but an ever-growing bubble of awareness that stretches forward and backward, integrating past and future into a unified experience.
Rather than moving through time, we may be expanding into it—unfolding like a flower, with each petal representing another layer of experience added to the whole.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the continuous unfolding of consciousness within an ever-growing field of time.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Expanding Now challenges us to ask: is the present just a transition between past and future, or is it the only moment that has ever truly existed? – 41 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE DIMENSIONAL THREAD
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Dimensional Thread
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Reality is woven from unseen forces, a tapestry of energy and structure. The Dimensional Thread represents the subtle filaments connecting all things, the unseen lines that stitch the fabric of the cosmos together.
These threads are not physical but vibrational, existing beyond our perception, linking space, time, and matter in an intricate web of interactions.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the hidden architecture of existence, where each dimension is held in balance by forces beyond our understanding.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Dimensional Thread asks: if every reality is connected, could we one day trace these threads and step beyond the limits of our world? – 42 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE QUANTUM AWAKENING
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Quantum Awakening
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
There comes a moment when awareness emerges, when raw existence shifts into realization. The Quantum Awakening represents this transition—the instant when the formless gains identity, and consciousness flickers into being.
Perhaps this awakening is not limited to life alone but is woven into the very structure of reality, present in every interaction, in every wave and particle.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the birth of perception, where the cosmos itself begins to observe and understand itself.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Quantum Awakening invites us to consider: is awareness an emergent property, or has the universe always been conscious in ways we have yet to perceive? – 43 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE ETERNAL INTERFERENCE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Eternal Interference
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Waves of energy are never still—they overlap, merge, and diverge in endless motion. The Eternal Interference represents this constant interplay of forces, where every action creates ripples that extend across time and space.
These waves do not fade; they continue to exist, combining and recombining in infinite variations, shaping the very nature of reality.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the never-ending resonance of existence, where all things are entangled in a symphony of motion.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Eternal Interference raises a question: if every wave continues forever, does anything ever truly disappear, or is all existence simply transforming? – 44 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE GRAVITY OF THOUGHT
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Gravity of Thought
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Thought is not weightless—it bends reality, shapes outcomes, and directs the course of existence. The Gravity of Thought explores the idea that consciousness exerts a force upon the world, much like gravity curves spacetime.
If our minds are quantum systems, then our thoughts might not be confined to the brain but could ripple outward, influencing events at scales beyond our immediate perception.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the unseen influence of awareness, where intention and reality are inseparably linked.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Gravity of Thought asks: do we shape the universe with our minds, or are our thoughts themselves shaped by the universe? – 45 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE COSMIC IMPRINT
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Cosmic Imprint
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Every action leaves a mark, every motion etches itself into the fabric of space and time. The Cosmic Imprint represents the idea that nothing is truly lost—everything that has ever been remains inscribed in the universe’s memory.
From the background radiation of the Big Bang to the gravitational echoes of ancient stars, the past does not vanish but lingers as an imprint woven into the present.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the lasting resonance of all things, where every moment contributes to the grand design of the cosmos.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Cosmic Imprint makes us wonder: if the universe records everything, could we one day learn to read the imprints of the past written in the fabric of space? – 46 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE MEMORY OF LIGHT
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Memory of Light
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Light is the first messenger of the cosmos, carrying with it the echoes of ancient stars and forgotten events. The Memory of Light represents the way in which photons preserve the story of the universe, traveling through time and space, illuminating past and future alike.
What we see is not the present, but history written in waves—every beam of light a fragment of the past, revealing the nature of what once was.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the silent witness of time, where every photon is an artifact of cosmic memory.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Memory of Light makes us wonder: if light carries the past, could we one day learn to decode its messages and witness history unfold before our eyes? – 47 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE UNFINISHED EQUATION
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Unfinished Equation
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
The universe is governed by mathematical precision, yet its ultimate formula remains incomplete. The Unfinished Equation represents the ever-evolving nature of scientific discovery, where each answer reveals deeper layers of mystery.
Physicists seek the «theory of everything»—a single equation that unites all forces, yet the more we understand, the more we realize how much is still unknown.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the infinite pursuit of knowledge, where every discovery is merely a doorway to greater questions.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Unfinished Equation asks: is the universe truly governed by a single law, or will its complexity forever remain beyond our grasp? – 48 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE ZERO-POINT BREATH
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Zero-Point Breath
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Even in the deepest vacuum, energy remains. The Zero-Point Breath represents the subtle, perpetual fluctuations that sustain the quantum world, an eternal rhythm of creation and dissolution.
This «vacuum energy» suggests that even emptiness is not truly empty—at the most fundamental level, the universe breathes, oscillating between existence and potential.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the silent hum of creation, where the void is alive with infinite possibilities.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Zero-Point Breath leads us to ask: if nothingness itself vibrates with energy, is there truly such a thing as absolute emptiness? – 49 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE HORIZON OF POSSIBILITY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Horizon of Possibility
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
The future is not fixed—it unfolds at the boundary between the known and the unknown. The Horizon of Possibility represents the ever-shifting edge of reality, where choices crystallize into events and new pathways emerge.
This horizon is different for every observer, shaped by perception, intention, and interaction. Beyond it lies the vast landscape of potential waiting to be explored.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the fluid nature of the future, where all possibilities coexist until one is chosen.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Horizon of Possibility asks: do we create our future, or do we simply navigate through an ocean of paths that already exist? – 50 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FINAL WAVE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Final Wave
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Everything in existence moves in waves, from the motion of light to the thoughts in our minds. The Final Wave represents the last great ripple of reality, the ultimate convergence where all energies return to their source.
Perhaps this final wave is not an end, but a transformation—where everything dissolves back into the infinite potential from which it once emerged, waiting to be reborn.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the completion of a cycle, where existence returns to the silence from which it came.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Final Wave leads us to wonder: is there ever truly an end, or is every ending simply the beginning of another ripple? – 51 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE ORIGIN’S REFLECTION
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Origin’s Reflection
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Nothing is ever truly lost—every creation carries an imprint of its source. The Origin’s Reflection represents the way in which the first moments of existence are echoed throughout the entire cosmos, woven into the very fabric of reality.
Like ripples on a vast ocean, the energy of the beginning still pulses through the universe, a silent reminder of the singularity from which all things emerged.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the connection between past and present, where the beginning is always present in the now.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Origin’s Reflection leads us to consider: if the universe still carries the memory of its birth, could we one day learn to access and understand it? – 52 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE UNOBSERVED DIMENSION
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Unobserved Dimension
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
If perception shapes reality, then what exists beyond our ability to observe? The Unobserved Dimension represents the unseen aspects of the universe—realms that may exist but remain hidden from our senses and understanding.
Quantum mechanics suggests that without observation, reality remains undefined. Could entire dimensions be waiting to be discovered, simply existing in states of superposition, unnoticed and untouched?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the unseen layers of existence, where the unknown is just beyond reach.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Unobserved Dimension makes us wonder: is reality limited by our perception, or do hidden realms continue to unfold regardless of whether we are aware of them? – 53 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE TIMELESS ECHO
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Timeless Echo
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Time is often seen as a forward-moving stream, yet echoes of the past ripple through the present. The Timeless Echo represents the traces left behind by every moment, an imprint that never truly fades.
In the quantum world, time behaves strangely—particles can influence each other across time, as if the past and future are entangled. Perhaps time does not move, but simply exists, layered upon itself like a great cosmic record.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the resonance of moments long gone, where time is not erased, only rewritten.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Timeless Echo invites us to ask: if every event leaves an imprint, could we one day learn to listen to the past as clearly as we hear the present? – 54 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE MULTIVERSAL BREATH
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Multiversal Breath
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
If the universe expands and contracts in endless cycles, is it breathing? The Multiversal Breath represents the pulsating nature of all existence, where not just one, but infinite universes expand and collapse like a cosmic inhale and exhale.
What we perceive as «our universe» may be only one note in a symphony of countless realities, all moving in harmony, converging and diverging like waves in an ocean.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the great respiration of existence, where creation and dissolution are part of the same cycle.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Multiversal Breath leads us to ask: if universes are born and reborn endlessly, is existence itself eternal? – 55 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE QUANTUM THREADS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Quantum Threads
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Reality is not solid—it is woven from The Quantum Threads, invisible lines of energy that form the foundation of existence. These threads are not physical but informational, encoding the interactions that shape everything from subatomic particles to galaxies.
If we could unravel these threads, could we understand the blueprint of reality itself? Could we trace their patterns and decipher the ultimate structure of the cosmos?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the hidden architecture of all things, where energy and information are intricately intertwined.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Quantum Threads prompts us to consider: if reality is woven from unseen forces, could we one day learn to reweave it? – 56 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE PRIMORDIAL LANGUAGE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Primordial Language
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Before words, before thought, there was The Primordial Language—the fundamental code that gives form to the universe. Some believe that this language is mathematics, others see it as vibration, frequency, or even consciousness itself.
Every pattern in nature, from the spirals of galaxies to the rhythm of a heartbeat, speaks in this ancient tongue, an unbroken message encoded in the very essence of existence.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the unseen script of reality, where everything that exists is written in the syntax of the cosmos.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Primordial Language challenges us to ask: if we could fully understand the language of creation, could we speak reality into existence? – 57 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE COSMIC BLUEPRINT
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Cosmic Blueprint
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
If the universe is a grand design, what guides its construction? The Cosmic Blueprint represents the unseen structure that determines how everything unfolds—from the orbit of planets to the spiral of DNA.
This blueprint is not random; it follows precise mathematical proportions, repeating itself in countless variations across all scales of existence.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the order beneath apparent chaos, the invisible logic that guides reality’s unfolding.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Cosmic Blueprint makes us wonder: is the universe an accident, or is it following a predetermined design beyond our comprehension? – 58 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE SILENT RESONANCE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Silent Resonance
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Not all frequencies can be heard, and not all motion can be seen. The Silent Resonance represents the imperceptible forces that shape the cosmos—the vibrations beyond human senses that guide energy, matter, and even thought.
Perhaps these silent tones are the missing pieces of understanding, the frequencies that hold together the very fabric of the universe.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the inaudible symphony that orchestrates existence from the shadows.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Silent Resonance raises a question: if sound and vibration shape reality, what might exist beyond the limits of our perception? – 59 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE DIMENSIONAL FRACTURE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Dimensional Fracture
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
What if space and time are not continuous, but fragmented? The Dimensional Fracture represents the hidden discontinuities in reality, where dimensions fold, break, and reconnect in ways we cannot yet comprehend.
Physicists speculate about wormholes, parallel universes, and spatial tears—places where the laws of physics bend, revealing glimpses of what lies beyond our known reality.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the unseen gaps in the fabric of existence, where possibility spills through the cracks.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Dimensional Fracture challenges us to ask: do these fractures lead to new realms, or are they simply glimpses into the infinite variations of our own? – 60 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FINAL SYMMETRY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Final Symmetry
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Everything in existence follows patterns, but what if there is one ultimate design, the master key that connects all forces? The Final Symmetry represents the idea that beneath all variations, all movement, and all uncertainty, there is a singular underlying harmony.
From the smallest particles to the structure of galaxies, everything aligns with this deep symmetry, suggesting that the universe itself is an expression of balance.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the unifying principle that links all things, the hidden perfection at the heart of creation.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Final Symmetry asks: if we could discover this last great symmetry, would we finally understand the true nature of existence? – 61 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE CELESTIAL HARMONY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Celestial Harmony
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
The universe does not move in chaos but in Celestial Harmony—a grand symphony where the motion of galaxies, the orbits of planets, and the oscillations of atoms follow a silent rhythm.
Ancient civilizations called it the «Music of the Spheres,» believing that the cosmos vibrates with an unseen melody. Modern physics suggests they were right—reality itself is structured by harmonic frequencies.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the hidden order within motion, where every element of existence dances to the same cosmic tune.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Celestial Harmony leads us to wonder: is music merely an expression of human creativity, or is it a reflection of the universal order? – 62 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE INFORMATION PARADOX
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Information Paradox
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Does information ever truly disappear? The Information Paradox represents one of the deepest mysteries in physics: what happens to knowledge, to memory, when it falls into the void?
Black holes devour matter and energy, yet some believe they also erase information—contradicting the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics. Others argue that nothing is ever lost, only hidden beyond the limits of perception.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the enigma of knowledge itself, where the past may still exist, encoded in ways we have yet to understand.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Information Paradox asks: if nothing is truly lost, could the universe itself be a vast memory, recording all that has ever been? – 63 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE SHADOW OF LIGHT
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Shadow of Light
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Where there is light, there must also be darkness. The Shadow of Light represents the interplay between illumination and obscurity, the way in which every presence casts an absence.
Without contrast, perception itself would cease—shadows define form, just as silence gives meaning to sound. This principle applies not only to physical reality but to the very structure of thought, where understanding emerges from the balance of known and unknown.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the hidden symmetry between light and void, where each gives meaning to the other.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Shadow of Light leads us to reflect: does darkness oppose light, or does it complete it? – 64 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE ECHO OF FUTURITY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Echo of Futurity
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Does the future already exist, waiting to unfold? The Echo of Futurity represents the strange quantum phenomenon where events yet to happen seem to influence those in the present.
Scientists call it «retrocausality»—the idea that causation might not flow only from past to future, but in both directions. If true, this means that what we call «the future» is not separate from now, but an integral part of a vast, interconnected system of time.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the whispers of tomorrow hidden within today, where time itself might be a loop rather than a line.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Echo of Futurity raises a question: if the future can reach back and shape the present, are we truly creating destiny, or are we merely remembering what was always meant to be? – 65 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE UNSEEN ARCHITECT
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Unseen Architect
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Every design has a creator. But what if the universe itself is the result of an intelligence beyond our understanding? The Unseen Architect represents the unknown force—whether natural, mathematical, or conscious—that shaped reality into its present form.
Some see this architect in the precise laws of physics, in the elegance of nature’s geometry, or in the intricate balance that allows for life itself. Others wonder if the cosmos is the result of something even deeper, a self-organizing principle woven into the structure of existence.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the guiding intelligence of reality, whether as a force, a will, or an unfathomable design.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Unseen Architect makes us ponder: is the universe the result of randomness, or is it the expression of something far greater? – 66 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE QUANTUM VEIL
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Quantum Veil
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Between what is seen and what is real, there exists The Quantum Veil—a boundary of uncertainty where reality flickers between states.
In quantum mechanics, particles exist in multiple possibilities until observed, as if reality wears a mask, revealing itself only when we look. Is this veil a limitation of our perception, or does it conceal hidden truths beyond comprehension?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the fragile line between potential and actualization, where the fabric of existence remains veiled in mystery.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Quantum Veil invites us to question: if reality changes when observed, then what truly exists behind the veil? – 67 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE LUMINESCENT CODE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Luminescent Code
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
What if the universe is encoded in light? The Luminescent Code represents the hidden information carried within every photon—a cosmic language where energy, time, and space intertwine in luminous patterns.
Light is more than illumination; it carries the secrets of the past, the structure of the cosmos, and perhaps even the keys to existence itself. Could our reality be a vast matrix of encoded light, waiting to be understood?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the infinite data stored within light, where knowledge and existence shine as one.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Luminescent Code makes us wonder: is light merely energy, or is it the message of creation itself? – 68 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FLUCTUATING INFINITY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Fluctuating Infinity
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Infinity is not static—it pulses, shifts, and evolves. The Fluctuating Infinity represents the boundless nature of reality, where existence is never absolute but flows between infinite states.
Some see the universe as a never-ending expansion, others as a cycle of birth and rebirth. Perhaps both are true, and infinity itself is a dance between creation and dissolution.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the fluidity of the infinite, where all possibilities emerge and vanish in an endless motion.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Fluctuating Infinity asks: is infinity a place, a number, or the ultimate nature of all that exists? – 69 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE DARK FLOW
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Dark Flow
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Beyond what we can measure, there is movement we do not understand. The Dark Flow represents the strange, unaccounted-for force pulling galaxies toward an unseen destination, as if guided by an invisible current.
Scientists have detected this mysterious drift but cannot explain it. Could it be evidence of another universe, a hidden dimension, or a cosmic river flowing through spacetime?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the silent forces that shape reality from beyond the observable cosmos.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Dark Flow asks: are we moving toward something unknown, or is something unknown moving toward us? – 70 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE UNIVERSAL CONSTANT
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Universal Constant
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Across all time, all space, and all dimensions, some things remain unchanged. The Universal Constant represents the unshakable truths that govern reality, the fundamental laws that define the cosmos no matter where or when they are measured.
From the speed of light to the balance of fundamental forces, these constants form the foundation of existence itself. But could there be a deeper, more profound constant that we have yet to discover?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the bedrock of existence, where even in an ever-changing universe, some things remain eternally true.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Universal Constant makes us question: are these constants simply properties of our universe, or are they the signature of something beyond it? – 71 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE DIMENSIONAL FOLD
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Dimensional Fold
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Space is not static—it bends, curves, and folds upon itself. The Dimensional Fold represents the possibility of reality bending in ways beyond our perception, creating shortcuts through spacetime and linking distant regions of existence.
Scientists speculate that wormholes, quantum tunnels, or hidden dimensions could allow for instantaneous travel across vast cosmic distances. If space can fold, then what limits exist for movement, for thought, for time itself?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the unseen pathways within existence, where reality is more flexible than it seems.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Dimensional Fold invites us to ask: if space can be folded, could consciousness also transcend the boundaries of time and place? – 72 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE COSMIC SINGULARITY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Cosmic Singularity
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
At the heart of black holes lies a point where all known laws of physics break down—a place of infinite density and zero volume. The Cosmic Singularity represents the ultimate paradox, where existence and nonexistence merge into one.
Some believe singularities are not just the end of things but the birthplaces of new realities. If this is true, could the Big Bang itself have emerged from one? Is every singularity a doorway to another universe?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the infinite collapse and rebirth at the core of the cosmos, where reality folds in on itself.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Cosmic Singularity leads us to wonder: is our universe just another singularity in an endless chain of creations? – 73 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FRACTAL MEMORY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Fractal Memory
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
The past does not disappear—it repeats itself in patterns too vast to see. The Fractal Memory represents the self-replicating nature of reality, where events, shapes, and structures echo across scales of existence.
From the branching of trees to the filaments of galaxies, everything reflects a deeper symmetry. If memory is stored in fractals, could our own thoughts, our consciousness, be part of a greater repeating structure?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the endless reflection of patterns, where past and future are not linear but recursive.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Fractal Memory asks: if the universe remembers itself through fractals, is it possible that we, too, are echoes of something far greater? – 74 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE HOLOGRAPHIC BREATH
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Holographic Breath
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Every part of reality contains the whole. The Holographic Breath represents the idea that the universe functions like a hologram, where even the smallest fragment carries the information of the entire cosmos.
In quantum physics, entanglement suggests that particles remain connected across infinite distances, sharing information instantaneously. Could this mean that everything—our thoughts, our experiences, our very essence—is linked through an unseen universal code?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the grand unity of existence, where separation is merely an illusion.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Holographic Breath leads us to question: if the whole is present in each part, does that mean we each contain the entire universe within us? – 75 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE GRAVITY OF THOUGHT
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Gravity of Thought
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Can thought exert force? The Gravity of Thought represents the possibility that ideas, like planets and stars, create their own gravitational pull, influencing the direction of reality.
Some physicists propose that consciousness may play a role in shaping the quantum world, collapsing probabilities into chosen outcomes. If true, then every thought could have a weight, bending the course of existence itself.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the invisible forces of awareness, where mind and matter intertwine in unseen ways.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Gravity of Thought challenges us to consider: are we passive observers of the universe, or are we actively shaping its unfolding? – 76 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE SILENT EQUATION
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Silent Equation
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
The laws that govern the universe exist whether we discover them or not. The Silent Equation represents the unseen mathematics that dictates the structure of reality, an eternal formula written in the fabric of existence.
Some believe that one final equation—elegant and absolute—holds the key to everything. Others suggest that mathematics itself is a construct, a language we impose on a universe beyond comprehension.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the hidden code beneath all things, where existence may be the solution to an equation yet to be solved.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Silent Equation asks: is the universe made of numbers, or are numbers simply our attempt to describe the indescribable? – 77 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE INFINITE MIRROR
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Infinite Mirror
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Look deeply into reality, and reality looks back. The Infinite Mirror represents the recursive nature of existence, where everything is a reflection of something greater.
From the spirals of galaxies to the fractal patterns of nature, the universe echoes itself at every scale. If existence is a mirror, then what is it reflecting?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the endless self-reflection of the cosmos, where observer and observed are one.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Infinite Mirror raises a question: is reality external to us, or are we simply reflections of the universe experiencing itself? – 78 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE UNSEEN FREQUENCY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Unseen Frequency
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Beyond the frequencies we can hear or see, there are vibrations that shape the universe. The Unseen Frequency represents the hidden harmonics that orchestrate reality, a cosmic resonance that remains just beyond human perception.
Could these frequencies hold the key to unlocking new dimensions, to understanding the fundamental nature of energy and thought?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the imperceptible symphony that guides the formation of reality.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Unseen Frequency invites us to ask: if the universe is singing, could we one day learn to hear its true melody? – 79 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE ANCESTRAL WAVE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Ancestral Wave
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Nothing ever truly vanishes; every action, every moment sends ripples across time. The Ancestral Wave represents the echoes of the past, the lingering energy of all that has ever been.
Like a stone thrown into an endless ocean, every event in history continues to move forward, subtly shaping the present and the future.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the continuum of existence, where no moment is truly forgotten.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Ancestral Wave challenges us: if the past still resonates, can we learn to listen to its wisdom? – 80 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE RESONANT FIELD
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Resonant Field
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Reality is not built from objects, but from relationships—vibrations interacting in an endless web. The Resonant Field represents the invisible network connecting all things, where every action, every force, every being is part of a unified symphony.
Modern physics suggests that the vacuum of space itself is not empty, but filled with potential energy. If this is true, then perhaps the void is not absence, but an active, living field.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the underlying unity of existence, where nothing exists in isolation.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Resonant Field makes us wonder: if everything is connected, then is separation just an illusion? – 81 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE IMMORTAL PATTERN
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Immortal Pattern
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Some patterns never fade, repeating themselves in endless variations. The Immortal Pattern represents the timeless structures that appear across all scales of existence, from the spirals of galaxies to the folds of a seashell.
This suggests that reality is not random, but built upon a deep, repeating order—one that echoes across time, across dimensions, across consciousness.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the eternal blueprint, where the same forms emerge again and again, from the smallest quanta to the vast cosmic web.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Immortal Pattern leads us to ask: are we discovering new truths, or merely uncovering an ancient design written into the very fabric of reality? – 82 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE SYNCHRONICITY NODE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Synchronicity Node
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Chance or design? The Synchronicity Node represents the mysterious points where seemingly unrelated events align, as if guided by an unseen force.
Carl Jung called it «synchronicity»—the meaningful coincidence of events that defy logic yet resonate with purpose. Is the universe whispering through these connections, or are we the ones weaving meaning into the flow of existence?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the hidden links between all things, where time, space, and intention converge in mysterious harmony.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Synchronicity Node makes us wonder: are these moments of alignment mere accidents, or signs of a greater intelligence at play? – 83 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE VOID THAT BREATHES
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Void That Breathes
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
What we call «nothingness» is far from empty. The Void That Breathes represents the ever-changing nature of the vacuum, a space that expands, contracts, and pulses with unseen energy.
Quantum physics suggests that even the emptiest void is filled with fluctuations, an eternal cycle of creation and annihilation happening at a scale too small to observe.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the paradox of emptiness, where nothing is truly still, and silence is never truly silent.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Void That Breathes challenges us to ask: is nothingness the absence of existence, or the womb of all creation? – 84 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE MULTIVERSE THREAD
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Multiverse Thread
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
What if reality is not singular, but an intricate web of infinite universes? The Multiverse Thread represents the idea that every possibility, every decision, every variation of existence is woven into a vast, interconnected tapestry.
Each moment, each choice may create a new reality, splitting timelines and birthing new worlds. But if all realities are connected, could we ever cross between them?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the unseen connections between parallel existences, where every version of reality is part of a greater whole.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Multiverse Thread asks: if all possibilities exist, then what makes this reality the one we perceive? – 85 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE RECURSIVE UNIVERSE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Recursive Universe
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
The deeper we look into reality, the more it seems to fold back upon itself. The Recursive Universe represents the strange loop of existence, where the smallest structures resemble the largest, and every beginning contains its own end.
Some theories suggest that the universe itself is a self-replicating pattern, endlessly cycling through versions of itself, like a cosmic fractal playing out across eternity.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the paradox of self-repeating reality, where the past, present, and future are merely reflections of the same underlying form.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Recursive Universe leads us to ask: if the universe is self-repeating, then have we been here before? Will we be here again? – 86 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE ETERNAL PARTICLE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Eternal Particle
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Matter can decay, energy can dissipate, but at the smallest scale of reality, something remains untouched. The Eternal Particle represents the fundamental unit of existence, an entity that neither begins nor ends, but simply transforms.
Some believe that within every interaction, a core of unchanging reality persists—a silent witness to the unfolding of time.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the undying essence of the cosmos, where every fragment of reality carries the memory of its origins.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Eternal Particle invites us to ask: is anything ever truly destroyed, or does everything simply shift into another form? – 87 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE COSMIC THREADS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Cosmic Threads
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Beneath the world we see lies a vast and intricate weave of connections. The Cosmic Threads represent the invisible filaments that link every event, every force, and every being in a unified tapestry.
Modern physics describes space as a quantum fabric, where the fundamental forces of nature emerge from deeper, hidden layers of reality. But if the universe is woven, what lies beyond its edges?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the unseen strands that hold reality together, where separation is an illusion.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Cosmic Threads make us wonder: are we individual entities, or are we simply strands in an infinite web of existence? – 88 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE HOLOGRAPHIC TIMELINE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Holographic Timeline
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Is time a straight line, or does it fold upon itself like a hologram? The Holographic Timeline represents the idea that past, present, and future may not be separate, but part of a single, simultaneous whole.
If time behaves like a projection, then perhaps history is not fixed behind us, nor the future ahead, but all moments coexisting in a grand, interwoven pattern.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the illusion of linear time, where all of existence might be encoded in a single instant.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Holographic Timeline asks: if the past is not truly gone, could we one day access it as easily as we recall a memory? – 89 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE CONSCIOUSNESS FIELD
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Consciousness Field
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Does consciousness arise from the brain, or is it something greater? The Consciousness Field represents the idea that awareness is not an isolated phenomenon, but a fundamental aspect of the universe itself.
Some theories suggest that just as electromagnetic fields permeate space, there may exist a vast field of consciousness, linking every living being into a single, unified awareness.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the possibility that mind and matter are not separate, but different expressions of the same fundamental reality.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Consciousness Field challenges us to ask: do we create thoughts, or do we simply tune into something greater? – 90 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE INTERWOVEN REALITIES
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Interwoven Realities
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
We perceive reality as singular, yet what if multiple realities exist, constantly overlapping? The Interwoven Realities represents the possibility that countless worlds exist alongside ours, blending, diverging, and reconnecting in ways we cannot yet perceive.
Some interpretations of quantum mechanics suggest that every possibility unfolds in a parallel universe. If true, then every choice, every action, and every outcome exists somewhere in the vast multiverse.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the layered nature of existence, where infinite versions of reality may coexist and interact.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Interwoven Realities makes us wonder: if multiple realities exist, could we ever learn to traverse them? – 91 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE UNOBSERVED FLOW
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Unobserved Flow
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Reality behaves differently when observed, but what happens when no one is looking? The Unobserved Flow represents the silent current of existence, the movement of reality independent of perception.
Does an unmeasured particle still have form? Does time pass when no consciousness is there to perceive it? Or is existence itself an ever-flowing river, unaware of the eyes that try to define it?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the paradox of awareness, where the unseen world may hold truths beyond our understanding.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Unobserved Flow asks: is reality something objective, or does it only exist in the act of being perceived? – 92 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE HIDDEN LOGOS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Hidden Logos
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Behind all creation, there is a pattern, a structure, a guiding principle. The Hidden Logos represents the unseen intelligence that underlies existence, the logic woven into the foundation of reality.
Philosophers and physicists alike wonder: does the universe have meaning, or does meaning emerge from consciousness? Is there an underlying order to everything, or is chaos merely a deeper level of harmony?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the subtle architecture of reality, where information itself may be the key to existence.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Hidden Logos makes us wonder: if the universe follows a code, could we ever decipher its ultimate message? – 93 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FREQUENCY OF THE VOID
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Frequency of the Void
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Even in emptiness, something vibrates. The Frequency of the Void represents the subtle hum of the vacuum, the invisible oscillations that ripple through the fabric of spacetime.
Scientists call it zero-point energy—a field of quantum fluctuations that never reaches absolute stillness. If the void has a frequency, could it be the primordial sound, the first vibration from which all reality emerged?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the silent music of existence, where even nothingness sings.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Frequency of the Void invites us to ask: if the void itself vibrates, then is there ever truly such a thing as «nothing»? – 94 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE MULTILAYERED REALITY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Multilayered Reality
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Reality is not singular—it is composed of overlapping layers, each influencing the other. The Multilayered Reality represents the hidden strata of existence, where dimensions, consciousness, and matter interact in complex, unseen ways.
Could our perception be limited to only one layer, while deeper truths remain hidden beneath? If reality is structured in layers, how many remain undiscovered?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the stacked nature of existence, where what we see is only the surface of a much deeper continuum.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Multilayered Reality makes us question: are we only perceiving one version of reality, or are we shifting through many layers without realizing it? – 95 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE QUANTUM MEMORY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Quantum Memory
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
What if memory is not stored in the brain alone, but in the very fabric of the universe? The Quantum Memory represents the idea that information is never truly lost but remains encoded in the quantum states of reality.
Physicists debate whether every event, every thought, leaves an imprint on the universe. Could it be that existence itself is a vast repository of knowledge, recording all that has ever been?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the possibility that reality itself is a living memory, where nothing is ever truly forgotten.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Quantum Memory makes us wonder: if the universe remembers everything, could we one day learn to access its infinite library? – 96 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE ARCHITECT OF CHAOS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Architect of Chaos
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
We see chaos as disorder, yet beneath its apparent randomness, a hidden structure emerges. The Architect of Chaos represents the unseen intelligence within turbulence—the mathematical elegance that shapes the unpredictable.
Fractals, turbulence, the flow of galaxies—each follows intricate patterns, as if a silent architect weaves order into chaos. If randomness contains structure, is anything ever truly accidental?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the paradox of chaos as a form of deeper order, where every unpredictable motion hides a pattern.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Architect of Chaos makes us wonder: is randomness truly without meaning, or is it a design too vast for us to see? – 97 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE WHISPERING VOID
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Whispering Void
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
In the silence of space, something speaks. The Whispering Void represents the subtle forces that operate beyond perception, shaping reality in ways we have yet to comprehend.
Dark matter, dark energy—silent architects of the cosmos, invisible yet ever-present. Could the void itself hold a message, encoded in its vast stillness?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the unseen forces that shape existence, where silence may carry the deepest truths.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Whispering Void asks: if the void is not empty, then what secrets does it hold? – 98 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE REFLECTION OF POSSIBILITY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Reflection of Possibility
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Every action creates echoes—some visible, some hidden. The Reflection of Possibility represents the infinite versions of reality that ripple outward from every choice.
Quantum mechanics suggests that unobserved states remain in superposition, existing in all possibilities at once. If this is true, then every moment contains infinite paths waiting to be revealed.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the mirror of reality, where every possibility exists simultaneously until it is chosen.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Reflection of Possibility makes us wonder: are we creating reality, or simply selecting from an infinite array of pre-existing possibilities? – 99 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE TIME FRACTURE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Time Fracture
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Time feels continuous, yet at its core, it may be fragmented. The Time Fracture represents the breaks within the flow of existence, the moments where time itself bends, loops, or collapses.
Some physicists believe time is not an absolute stream but a shifting landscape, where past, present, and future interact in ways beyond our understanding. If time can fracture, does that mean we can step between its broken edges?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the instability of time, where causality may not be as linear as we believe.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Time Fracture makes us wonder: if time can bend, is the past truly unchangeable? – 100 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE DREAMING UNIVERSE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Dreaming Universe
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Does the universe have awareness? The Dreaming Universe represents the possibility that reality itself is a vast, conscious entity, unfolding like a dream in the mind of something beyond comprehension.
Ancient philosophies and modern quantum theories suggest that observation shapes existence. If reality depends on awareness, then is the universe itself the ultimate observer?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the idea that existence is not a machine, but a living process—one that may be dreaming us as much as we dream it.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Dreaming Universe leads us to ask: are we separate from reality, or are we simply the thoughts of the cosmos itself? – 101 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE PARADOX OF OBSERVATION
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Paradox of Observation
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
To observe is to change. The Paradox of Observation represents the strange reality that nothing is truly independent of the observer.
Quantum experiments show that particles behave differently when watched, as if awareness itself alters reality. But if observation changes what is observed, then who—or what—is observing us?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the intimate relationship between perception and existence, where the act of looking reshapes what is seen.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Paradox of Observation asks: is reality independent of the observer, or is it brought into being through the act of seeing? – 102 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE EMERGENCE OF FORM
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Emergence of Form
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
From the formless, structure arises. The Emergence of Form represents the transition from chaos to order, the way in which simple rules give rise to complex reality.
Cells self-organize into life, dust gathers into stars, and thoughts crystallize into meaning. Could the entire universe be following a hidden blueprint, unfolding with an unseen logic?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the moment of creation, where raw energy takes shape and the infinite potential condenses into form.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Emergence of Form makes us wonder: is order an accident, or is the universe designed to give birth to structure? – 103 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE CONSCIOUS UNIVERSE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Conscious Universe
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Does the universe think? The Conscious Universe represents the possibility that reality itself is aware, that existence is not just a machine, but a vast intelligence unfolding in infinite expressions.
Some theories suggest that consciousness is not a product of matter, but a fundamental aspect of reality—woven into the fabric of space, energy, and time.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the grand mind of the cosmos, where every star, every atom, and every thought is part of an interconnected awareness.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Conscious Universe asks: are we separate from the universe, or are we its thoughts given form? – 104 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE SUBTLE ORDER
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Subtle Order
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
What appears to be random is often deeply structured. The Subtle Order represents the hidden patterns that guide the unfolding of reality, the underlying harmony beneath apparent chaos.
Scientists have found that even the most chaotic systems—weather patterns, neural networks, the stock market—often follow predictable fractal structures. If randomness itself obeys deeper rules, is anything truly disorderly?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the unseen symmetry of the universe, where everything moves within an intricate yet invisible design.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Subtle Order makes us wonder: is the universe structured from the top down, or does order emerge naturally from within? – 105 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE DIMENSIONAL RIPPLE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Dimensional Ripple
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Reality is not still—it ripples, distorts, and bends. The Dimensional Ripple represents the subtle shifts in the fabric of existence, where one moment, one action, can send waves across time and space.
Gravitational waves stretch reality itself, quantum fluctuations flicker into and out of existence. If reality ripples, could we one day learn to surf its waves and navigate between dimensions?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the fluid nature of existence, where everything moves in waves that extend far beyond our perception.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Dimensional Ripple asks: if a single action sends ripples through the cosmos, then what effect does consciousness itself have on reality? – 106 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE CODE OF EXISTENCE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Code of Existence
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
If reality follows laws, then what is the ultimate code? The Code of Existence represents the deep structure underlying all things, the mathematical and informational matrix upon which the universe is built.
From DNA to quantum mechanics, everything follows patterns, equations, and sequences. Could all of reality be a vast computational process, running on a hidden logic waiting to be decoded?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the language of reality, where the universe itself may be a self-writing code.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Code of Existence asks: if we could decipher this code, would we finally understand the nature of everything? – 107 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FRACTAL OF BEING
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Fractal of Being
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Life, thought, and the cosmos all seem to follow repeating patterns. The Fractal of Being represents the self-replicating nature of existence, where everything is a smaller reflection of something greater.
Galaxies, neurons, rivers, and lightning all follow the same branching structures. If existence is fractal, then are we simply echoes of a much larger cosmic consciousness?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the recursive symmetry of reality, where the whole is reflected in every part.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Fractal of Being makes us wonder: is there a final scale where the fractal ends, or does it repeat endlessly into infinity? – 108 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE MEMORY OF TIME
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Memory of Time
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Does time forget, or does it remember? The Memory of Time represents the idea that every moment leaves an imprint, that history is not erased but stored in the fabric of existence itself.
From the cosmic background radiation to the entanglement of quantum particles, the past is always present, waiting to be rediscovered. Could we one day learn to read the memories written into time?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the traces of the past hidden in the present, where nothing is ever truly lost.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Memory of Time asks: if time remembers everything, could we one day access and relive any moment? – 109 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE SPECTRUM OF REALITY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Spectrum of Reality
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Reality is not black or white—it exists on a vast spectrum. The Spectrum of Reality represents the infinite variations of existence, where different perspectives, dimensions, and states coexist simultaneously.
Light is made of frequencies we cannot see, sound extends beyond our hearing, and reality itself may include layers beyond our comprehension. What else lies just outside our perception?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the endless gradations of existence, where nothing is absolute, and everything exists in a continuum.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Spectrum of Reality makes us wonder: if we could expand our senses, what new realities would we discover? – 110 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE INVISIBLE THREADS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Invisible Threads
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Everything is connected, yet most connections remain unseen. The Invisible Threads represent the hidden forces binding all things together, from gravity and quantum entanglement to thought and emotion.
Some connections are tangible—neural pathways, ecosystems, gravitational forces—but others remain elusive, shaping reality from the shadows. If we could see these threads, what deeper unity would be revealed?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the unseen network linking all things, where every action ripples across existence.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Invisible Threads asks: are we truly separate, or are we part of a vast, interconnected whole? – 111 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE EDGE OF KNOWLEDGE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Edge of Knowledge
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
No matter how far we go, there is always another horizon. The Edge of Knowledge represents the boundary of human understanding, where science, philosophy, and intuition collide with the unknown.
Each answer opens new questions. If knowledge is an expanding sea, will there ever be an end, or will it multiply infinitely?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the threshold of discovery, where what we think we know dissolves into mystery.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Edge of Knowledge challenges us: is the unknown a barrier, or an invitation to keep exploring? – 112 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE QUANTUM TAPESTRY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Quantum Tapestry
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
The universe is not made of matter, but of relationships. The Quantum Tapestry represents the interwoven network of interactions that holds the cosmos together.
From fundamental forces to consciousness, everything that exists is a node in a vast web of unseen connections. Could we learn to read this fabric?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the interdependence of all things, where each thread affects the entire design.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Quantum Tapestry makes us wonder: if everything is connected, what role do we play in the grand pattern of existence? – 113 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE HOLOGRAPHIC INFINITY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Holographic Infinity
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Each part contains the whole. The Holographic Infinity represents the idea that the universe is not just an extension of space, but a projection where every fragment reflects the totality.
If the cosmos is holographic, could the key to infinity be contained in the smallest grain of reality?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the possibility that everything that was, is, and will be already exists in every point of space.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Holographic Infinity challenges us: if infinity is already within us, what prevents us from exploring it? – 114 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE SHIFTING REALITY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Shifting Reality
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Reality is not fixed, but fluid. The Shifting Reality represents the idea that what we perceive as solid is only a temporary manifestation within a sea of changing possibilities.
Quantum particles can exist in multiple states, thoughts can alter matter, time can bend. If reality is constantly shifting, what prevents us from consciously modifying it?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the dynamic nature of existence, where stability is only a momentary illusion.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Shifting Reality challenges us: are we passive spectators, or active creators of reality? – 115 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE COSMIC ECHO
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Cosmic Echo
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Everything that happens leaves a mark on reality. The Cosmic Echo represents the resonance of every event, thought, and action, extending beyond time and space.
The cosmic background radiation, the quantum memory of entangled particles, the echoes of thoughts in connected minds—could it be that the universe remembers everything that has ever occurred?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the waves of influence that never disappear, but instead propagate indefinitely.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Cosmic Echo makes us ask: if every action leaves an echo in the universe, what legacy are we leaving in existence? – 116 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE BREATH OF THE VOID
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Breath of the Void
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
What we call emptiness is not the absence of everything but the presence of the unmanifest. The Breath of the Void represents the pulsation of space itself, the hidden energy that shapes existence.
In every corner of the void, quantum fluctuations occur—a subtle heartbeat that sustains the structure of the cosmos. What if what we perceive as nothingness is, in reality, the source of everything?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the dynamism of the void, where creation and disappearance occur in an infinite cycle.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Breath of the Void challenges us: is the void a state of rest, or is it the eternal origin of reality? – 117 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE INTERCONNECTED WAVES
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Interconnected Waves
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Nothing exists in isolation. The Interconnected Waves represents the network of influences that unites everything, from the tiniest quantum vibration to the most immense galaxy.
Each wave affects the others; every action, every thought, every event creates an echo in the infinite field of existence. Can we learn to tune into these waves and consciously modify reality?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the absolute interdependence of all that is, where the individual is inseparable from the whole.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Interconnected Waves makes us ask: are we mere observers, or also generators of waves in existence? – 118 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE VIBRATION OF ORIGIN
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Vibration of Origin
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Everything that exists began with a vibration. The Vibration of Origin represents the first movement, the first oscillation that broke the primordial silence and shaped the universe.
From sound to light, from matter to mind, everything follows a vibratory pattern. Could there be an original frequency, a fundamental note that sustains the entirety of reality?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the primordial pulse that still resonates in every aspect of the cosmos.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Vibration of Origin challenges us: if we find the frequency of origin, could we understand the language of the universe? – 119 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE INFINITE FIELD
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Infinite Field
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Beyond the visible, beyond matter, there exists a field that encompasses everything. The Infinite Field represents the idea that reality emerges from an inexhaustible ocean of potential, where all possibilities exist before manifesting.
Quantum physics suggests that the universe is nothing more than fluctuations within a vast underlying energy field. Is this field the source of consciousness? The matrix from which everything arises?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the infinite vastness of being, where every point is a gateway to the absolute.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Infinite Field invites us to ask: is it possible to access this field and create reality with intention? – 120 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE UNFOLDING DIMENSION
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Unfolding Dimension
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Dimensions are not fixed; they emerge and evolve. The Unfolding Dimension represents the expansion of space and time, the process through which new realities emerge and take shape.
Could dimensions exist beyond those we know, gradually revealing themselves as our understanding expands?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the continuous birth of new possibilities, where reality reinvents itself at every instant.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Unfolding Dimension challenges us: can we learn to perceive dimensions beyond our current experience? – 121 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE WAVES OF POSSIBILITY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Waves of Possibility
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Every moment contains infinite futures, each oscillating between existence and nonexistence. The Waves of Possibility represent the dynamic field of potential that collapses into reality with every choice we make.
Quantum mechanics tells us that particles exist in multiple states until they are measured. If everything follows this rule, then does reality truly exist before it is observed?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the fluid, uncertain nature of reality, where every possibility remains alive until it is chosen.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Waves of Possibility ask us: do we shape reality through our decisions, or are we simply following a predetermined path hidden within probability? – 122 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE LIGHT BEYOND TIME
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Light Beyond Time
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Does light have a past or a future, or does it exist outside of time? The Light Beyond Time represents the timeless nature of photons, which move through the universe without aging, as if they were eternal messengers of existence itself.
If time slows as we approach the speed of light, could light itself be a bridge between the finite and the infinite? What secrets does it carry from the birth of the cosmos?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the ageless essence of light, where the fabric of space and time bends to its presence.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Light Beyond Time asks: is light a simple force, or is it the purest form of knowledge woven into the structure of the universe? – 123 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE PARALLEL IMPRINTS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Parallel Imprints
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Every action leaves an imprint—not just in this reality, but in countless others. The Parallel Imprints represent the traces of every choice, vibrating across dimensions we may never see.
If multiple universes exist, could our decisions ripple across them, influencing realities beyond our own? Are we leaving marks in unseen worlds with every thought and movement?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the hidden fingerprints of existence, where parallel realities interact in ways we barely comprehend.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Parallel Imprints make us wonder: are we living just one version of our lives, or are we echoes of infinite variations? – 124 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE ORCHESTRA OF FORCES
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Orchestra of Forces
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Gravity, electromagnetism, nuclear forces—each plays a role in shaping the cosmos. The Orchestra of Forces represents the elegant interplay of fundamental forces, working in perfect harmony to sustain existence.
Physicists seek a unified theory that connects them all. But what if that unifying force is not just a law of nature, but an underlying intelligence weaving the fabric of reality?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the grand symphony of existence, where invisible forces compose the universe’s eternal melody.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Orchestra of Forces asks: is physics merely a description of reality, or is it the music of the cosmos playing in perfect tune? – 125 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE EXPANDING MIND
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Expanding Mind
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Just as the universe expands, so does consciousness. The Expanding Mind represents the limitless nature of awareness, stretching beyond the boundaries of space, time, and self.
New knowledge, new perceptions, new ways of seeing reality—each expansion brings us closer to understanding the infinite. If the mind has no limit, does that mean our potential is also infinite?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the journey of consciousness, where each new realization is a step toward the unknown.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Expanding Mind makes us wonder: is consciousness a product of the universe, or is it the force that gives it meaning? – 121 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE WAVES OF POSSIBILITY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Waves of Possibility
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Every moment contains infinite futures, each oscillating between existence and nonexistence. The Waves of Possibility represent the dynamic field of potential that collapses into reality with every choice we make.
Quantum mechanics tells us that particles exist in multiple states until they are measured. If everything follows this rule, then does reality truly exist before it is observed?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the fluid, uncertain nature of reality, where every possibility remains alive until it is chosen.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Waves of Possibility ask us: do we shape reality through our decisions, or are we simply following a predetermined path hidden within probability? – 122 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE LIGHT BEYOND TIME
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Light Beyond Time
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Does light have a past or a future, or does it exist outside of time? The Light Beyond Time represents the timeless nature of photons, which move through the universe without aging, as if they were eternal messengers of existence itself.
If time slows as we approach the speed of light, could light itself be a bridge between the finite and the infinite? What secrets does it carry from the birth of the cosmos?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the ageless essence of light, where the fabric of space and time bends to its presence.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Light Beyond Time asks: is light a simple force, or is it the purest form of knowledge woven into the structure of the universe? – 123 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE PARALLEL IMPRINTS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Parallel Imprints
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Every action leaves an imprint—not just in this reality, but in countless others. The Parallel Imprints represent the traces of every choice, vibrating across dimensions we may never see.
If multiple universes exist, could our decisions ripple across them, influencing realities beyond our own? Are we leaving marks in unseen worlds with every thought and movement?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the hidden fingerprints of existence, where parallel realities interact in ways we barely comprehend.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Parallel Imprints make us wonder: are we living just one version of our lives, or are we echoes of infinite variations? – 124 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE ORCHESTRA OF FORCES
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Orchestra of Forces
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Gravity, electromagnetism, nuclear forces—each plays a role in shaping the cosmos. The Orchestra of Forces represents the elegant interplay of fundamental forces, working in perfect harmony to sustain existence.
Physicists seek a unified theory that connects them all. But what if that unifying force is not just a law of nature, but an underlying intelligence weaving the fabric of reality?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the grand symphony of existence, where invisible forces compose the universe’s eternal melody.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Orchestra of Forces asks: is physics merely a description of reality, or is it the music of the cosmos playing in perfect tune? – 125 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE EXPANDING MIND
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Expanding Mind
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Just as the universe expands, so does consciousness. The Expanding Mind represents the limitless nature of awareness, stretching beyond the boundaries of space, time, and self.
New knowledge, new perceptions, new ways of seeing reality—each expansion brings us closer to understanding the infinite. If the mind has no limit, does that mean our potential is also infinite?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece embodies the journey of consciousness, where each new realization is a step toward the unknown.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Expanding Mind makes us wonder: is consciousness a product of the universe, or is it the force that gives it meaning? – 126 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE SPACE BETWEEN THOUGHTS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Space Between Thoughts
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Between one thought and the next, there is a pause—an empty space that holds infinite potential. The Space Between Thoughts represents the silent void from which awareness emerges, the space where ideas are born and dissolve.
If thoughts arise and fade like quantum fluctuations, could consciousness itself be structured like the fabric of reality?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the hidden field of awareness, where the absence of thought is just as powerful as its presence.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Space Between Thoughts invites us to ask: does true wisdom lie in what we think, or in the spaces where we do not? – 127 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE ORIGIN OF PATTERNS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Origin of Patterns
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Patterns shape everything—from the spiral of galaxies to the rhythm of thoughts. The Origin of Patterns represents the fundamental structures that guide the emergence of reality.
Mathematics, symmetry, fractals—why do patterns appear everywhere, and what force gives rise to them? Could there be a universal blueprint underlying all existence?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the self-replicating logic of the universe, where structure arises even from chaos.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Origin of Patterns makes us wonder: are patterns discovered, or are they woven into the very nature of reality? – 128 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE LIMITS OF PERCEPTION
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Limits of Perception
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
We believe we see reality, but what if our senses reveal only a fraction of it? The Limits of Perception represent the hidden dimensions beyond human awareness, the layers of existence we have yet to uncover.
Infrared, ultraviolet, quantum fields—so much remains unseen. Could consciousness itself expand beyond its current limitations?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the unseen reality that surrounds us, where what we experience is only a fragment of a greater whole.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Limits of Perception challenge us: is reality truly limited, or do we simply lack the tools to perceive it? – 129 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE SILENT SIGNAL
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Silent Signal
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Not all signals are meant to be heard. The Silent Signal represents the subtle messages woven into reality, the transmissions that go unnoticed yet influence everything.
Is intuition a form of reception? Is synchronicity an encoded message? If the universe is speaking, are we truly listening?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the hidden language of existence, where meaning is carried in the gaps between the known and the unknown.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Silent Signal asks: are we transmitters, receivers, or both at once? – 130 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE SINGULARITY OF BEING
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Singularity of Being
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
All complexity emerges from a singular point. The Singularity of Being represents the moment when all distinctions dissolve, when everything returns to the essence from which it was born.
Science speaks of gravitational singularities, where space and time collapse. Mysticism speaks of the dissolution of the self, where identity merges into the infinite. Are they describing the same thing?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the unity hidden within multiplicity, where every divergence ultimately converges.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Singularity of Being makes us ask: is individuality an illusion, and are we all expressions of a single cosmic consciousness? – 131 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE HIDDEN HORIZON
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Hidden Horizon
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
There is always a point beyond which we cannot see. The Hidden Horizon represents the limit of perception, where reality fades into the unknown.
The event horizon of a black hole, the edge of the observable universe—everywhere we look, there are boundaries we cannot cross. But are these limits real, or are they only temporary restrictions of our understanding?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the unseen landscapes beyond our reach, where new realities may be waiting to be discovered.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Hidden Horizon asks: is the ultimate truth just beyond the next horizon, or is it forever hidden? – 132 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE UNSEEN ARCHITECT
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Unseen Architect
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Is reality the result of chaos, or is there a design behind it? The Unseen Architect represents the invisible intelligence that may shape the universe, hidden beneath the complexity of existence.
Some believe that mathematics and physics are simply reflections of a deeper, underlying order. But if the universe has a structure, does that imply an architect?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the subtle framework of existence, where everything may follow a grand but hidden blueprint.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Unseen Architect makes us wonder: is reality self-organizing, or is it following an ancient cosmic plan? – 133 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE QUANTUM BREATH
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Quantum Breath
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
The universe is not static—it expands, contracts, and breathes. The Quantum Breath represents the rhythmic nature of existence, where energy pulses through time and space in an eternal cycle.
Particles flicker in and out of existence, spacetime bends and stretches, galaxies drift apart. Could this dynamic motion be the true nature of reality, a vast breath that never ceases?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the constant oscillation of the cosmos, where creation and dissolution form part of the same rhythm.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Quantum Breath asks: if the universe breathes, what force is guiding its rhythm? – 134 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE MIND OF THE VOID
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Mind of the Void
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Is emptiness truly empty, or does it contain awareness? The Mind of the Void represents the possibility that consciousness is not an emergent property of matter, but an intrinsic quality of existence itself.
Some mystics and physicists alike suggest that space, rather than being a passive vacuum, may be a vast field of intelligence—an ocean of awareness that permeates all things.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the profound mystery of the void, where the absence of form may conceal the presence of mind.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Mind of the Void challenges us: if space itself is aware, then what is it thinking? – 135 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE SELF-REFLECTING UNIVERSE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Self-Reflecting Universe
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
The deeper we look into reality, the more it seems to look back at us. The Self-Reflecting Universe represents the idea that the cosmos may be a conscious entity, observing itself through our awareness.
The observer effect in quantum mechanics, the mirroring of fractals in nature, the recursive nature of thought—could the universe itself be engaged in self-exploration?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the grand paradox of existence, where reality observes itself in an infinite loop.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Self-Reflecting Universe makes us ask: are we merely experiencing the universe, or is the universe experiencing itself through us? – 136 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE DUALITY OF SILENCE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Duality of Silence
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Silence is both absence and presence. The Duality of Silence represents the paradox of emptiness, where silence can be both void and fullness at the same time.
In deep space, silence is vast, yet filled with invisible waves of radiation. In the mind, silence can be the absence of thought or the presence of profound awareness. Could silence be the key to perceiving reality beyond noise?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the space between vibrations, where meaning is found not in sound, but in its absence.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Duality of Silence challenges us: is silence the end of perception, or its beginning? – 137 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE ECHO OF THE FUTURE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Echo of the Future
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Could the future already exist, sending signals backward in time? The Echo of the Future represents the possibility that time is not a one-way stream, but a field where past, present, and future interact.
Some theories suggest that quantum particles can be influenced by future states. If time is fluid, are we receiving echoes from events yet to unfold?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the strange loops of causality, where time may not be as linear as we believe.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Echo of the Future makes us wonder: are we shaping the future, or is it shaping us? – 138 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE VIBRATION OF THOUGHT
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Vibration of Thought
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Thought is not just an idea—it is a wave, a pulse of energy. The Vibration of Thought represents the unseen frequencies emitted by consciousness, shaping reality in ways we are only beginning to understand.
Brainwaves, emotions, collective intention—if thoughts have energy, could they influence the fabric of the universe itself?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the invisible resonance of awareness, where every thought is a ripple in the ocean of existence.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Vibration of Thought challenges us: if thoughts carry energy, what kind of universe are we creating with them? – 139 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE UNWRITTEN CODE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Unwritten Code
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Is reality following a script, or is it being written as we go? The Unwritten Code represents the mystery of whether the universe operates under a pre-existing formula or if it is continuously evolving.
Mathematics suggests order, but quantum uncertainty introduces randomness. Are we deciphering a hidden language, or are we co-authoring reality itself?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece captures the living algorithm of existence, where order and chaos dance in an eternal dialogue.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Unwritten Code makes us ask: is reality predetermined, or is it being shaped with every moment? – 140 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FRACTAL CONSCIOUSNESS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Fractal Consciousness
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
If the universe is a fractal, could consciousness itself be one? The Fractal Consciousness represents the possibility that awareness, like the cosmos, is structured in infinite self-replicating layers.
From neurons to galaxies, patterns repeat at every scale. If consciousness follows the same rules, does that mean we are reflections of a greater mind?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the infinite recursion of self-awareness, where every being may be a mirror of the whole.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Fractal Consciousness makes us wonder: if the universe thinks, then are we part of its thoughts? – 141 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE RESONANCE OF MEMORY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Resonance of Memory
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Does the universe remember? The Resonance of Memory represents the idea that past events leave permanent imprints, shaping reality even when they seem forgotten.
From genetic codes to cosmic echoes, everything retains traces of what once was. Could memory itself be an intrinsic property of existence?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the persistent vibrations of the past, where every moment leaves its resonance in the fabric of time.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Resonance of Memory asks: if nothing is ever truly lost, could we one day retrieve all that has ever been? – 142 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FLUCTUATION OF BEING
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Fluctuation of Being
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Nothing is truly static. The Fluctuation of Being represents the constant ebb and flow of existence, where everything is in perpetual transformation.
Atoms vibrate, consciousness shifts, even time itself is not absolute. If everything fluctuates, does that mean existence is more about process than permanence?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the ever-changing nature of reality, where what is solid today may dissolve tomorrow.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Fluctuation of Being makes us wonder: is identity a fixed point, or merely a wave moving through time? – 143 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE INFINITE THREAD
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Infinite Thread
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Every action, every moment, every thought is woven into a greater whole. The Infinite Thread represents the unbroken continuity of existence, where everything is linked in a vast cosmic fabric.
Myths speak of a thread of destiny, science speaks of entanglement. Could it be that reality is a single, endless thread weaving itself through time and space?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the seamless nature of reality, where separation is only an illusion.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Infinite Thread challenges us: if everything is connected, then is individuality just a temporary perspective? – 144 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE COSMIC BREATH
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Cosmic Breath
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Does the universe inhale and exhale? The Cosmic Breath represents the grand pulsation of existence, where expansion and contraction may be part of an eternal cycle.
Some cosmological models suggest that the universe expands, then contracts, only to be reborn again. Could we be living within the breath of something infinitely larger than ourselves?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the rhythmic motion of existence, where every beginning may already contain its end.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Cosmic Breath makes us wonder: are we part of an eternal inhalation and exhalation, repeating across infinity? – 145 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE COSMIC THREAD
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Cosmic Thread
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
The universe is woven, each event linked to another by unseen strands. The Cosmic Thread represents the connection between all things, the fabric of reality that extends beyond the limits of perception.
From the quantum scale to the galactic, everything appears separate but is part of an underlying whole. Could this be the true nature of reality—an infinite tapestry where nothing exists in isolation?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the hidden network of existence, where everything is part of a single unfolding story.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Cosmic Thread challenges us: if all things are connected, could every action ripple across the entire cosmos? – 146 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE MEMORY OF LIGHT
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Memory of Light
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Light travels through time, carrying the echoes of creation. The Memory of Light represents the ancient messages embedded in photons, revealing the history of the universe itself.
The light we see today may have originated billions of years ago. If light retains memory, could it be the ultimate record keeper, holding the imprints of all existence?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the cosmic archive encoded in the movement of light, where every beam is a message from the past.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Memory of Light challenges us: if light never forgets, what stories are hidden in its glow? – 147 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE PARTICLE THAT DREAMS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Particle That Dreams
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Could a single particle contain the potential for awareness? The Particle That Dreams represents the idea that even at the smallest scales, consciousness may be embedded in the fabric of existence.
If quantum fields respond to observation, does that mean they also participate in awareness? Could the seeds of thought exist in every speck of matter?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the bridge between the material and the mental, where particles may hold the potential for thought.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Particle That Dreams makes us wonder: is consciousness a cosmic accident, or is it written into the fundamental nature of reality? – 148 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FLUCTUATING REALITY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Fluctuating Reality
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Nothing is truly stable. The Fluctuating Reality represents the ever-changing nature of existence, where what seems solid is, at its core, a shifting sea of probability.
At the quantum level, particles flicker in and out of existence, never at rest. If uncertainty is fundamental, is reality itself a wave, forever in motion?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the dynamic essence of being, where permanence is an illusion and transformation is the only constant.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Fluctuating Reality makes us question: is there such a thing as true stillness, or is all reality in eternal flux? – 149 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE SYMMETRY OF CHAOS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Symmetry of Chaos
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
What seems random may hold a hidden order. The Symmetry of Chaos represents the deep patterns underlying apparent disorder, where unpredictability follows precise mathematical laws.
Fractals, turbulence, the flow of galaxies—nature hides symmetry within chaos. Could randomness itself be an expression of a greater design?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the hidden organization of the unpredictable, where every system carries a deeper balance.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Symmetry of Chaos asks: if chaos follows a pattern, is it truly chaotic? – 150 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FINAL EQUATION
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Final Equation
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Could all of existence be reduced to a single equation? The Final Equation represents the ultimate search for a unifying principle, the formula that governs all forces, all matter, and all consciousness.
Physicists seek a «Theory of Everything,» a single expression that unites relativity, quantum mechanics, and the unknown. If such an equation exists, does it describe reality—or create it?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the mathematical heart of the universe, where numbers and symbols may hold the secret to all things.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Final Equation makes us wonder: is the universe solving itself, or are we the ones writing the answer? – 151 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE INVISIBLE SYMPHONY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Invisible Symphony
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
If the universe is vibration, then it is also music. The Invisible Symphony represents the cosmic harmony underlying all existence, the silent melody that resonates through space, time, and matter.
From the spin of atoms to the movement of galaxies, everything oscillates. If the universe is a song, are we part of its melody?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece reveals the hidden frequencies that shape reality, where the unheard may be more powerful than the audible.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Invisible Symphony challenges us: are we listeners, composers, or notes in the grand symphony of existence? – 152 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE ETERNAL RETURN
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Eternal Return
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
What if everything that happens has already happened—and will happen again? The Eternal Return represents the cyclical nature of time, where existence may not be linear, but an infinite loop of recurrence.
Some theories suggest that if the universe is finite but unbounded, events must eventually repeat. If so, are we destined to relive the same moments endlessly?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the possibility that time is not a river, but a circle, where the past and future are one.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Eternal Return asks: is destiny real, or are we simply retracing a path we’ve already walked? – 153 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE THRESHOLD OF REALITY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Threshold of Reality
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
What lies beyond what we perceive? The Threshold of Reality represents the edge of human experience, the boundary between what is known and what remains unseen.
Consciousness, perception, and physics all define reality—but is there something beyond? Could our senses be filtering out a far greater existence?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the liminal space between the visible and the invisible, where the fabric of reality may be thinner than we believe.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Threshold of Reality makes us wonder: is reality truly limited, or do we lack the ability to perceive its entirety? – 154 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE UNFOLDING CONSCIOUSNESS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Unfolding Consciousness
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Awareness is not fixed—it expands, evolves, and unfolds. The Unfolding Consciousness represents the continuous expansion of perception, where knowledge and awareness evolve in infinite layers.
If the universe is conscious, could it be awakening to itself through us?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the self-awareness of reality, where the act of understanding shapes the very fabric of existence.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Unfolding Consciousness asks: is consciousness evolving toward something greater, or is it already infinite? – 155 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE INFINITE REFLECTION
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Infinite Reflection
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
A mirror can reflect an image endlessly. The Infinite Reflection represents the recursion of existence, where every level of reality contains echoes of all the others.
Fractals, self-replicating codes, holograms—could the entire cosmos be a reflection of itself, endlessly repeating at every scale?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the nested structure of being, where the smallest and the largest are one and the same.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Infinite Reflection makes us ask: if everything reflects everything else, is reality an illusion, or is it an endless self-awareness? – 156 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE SINGULARITY WITHIN
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Singularity Within
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
If the universe was born from a singularity, could that same singularity exist within us? The Singularity Within represents the idea that each consciousness contains the essence of the entire cosmos.
Science describes black holes as singularities, points of infinite density. Mystics describe enlightenment as unity with all things. Are they describing the same ultimate truth?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the convergence of the micro and macro, where the infinite may reside within the finite.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Singularity Within challenges us: is the universe contained within us, or are we contained within it? – 157 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE UNMEASURED REALITY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Unmeasured Reality
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Does reality exist if it is not observed? The Unmeasured Reality represents the quantum enigma where things exist in a state of potential until they are measured.
Quantum mechanics suggests that observation collapses possibilities into a single outcome. If this is true, then before being measured, could the universe itself be pure potential?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the paradox of existence, where reality may only take form when it is perceived.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Unmeasured Reality makes us wonder: does the universe exist on its own, or does it need consciousness to take shape? – 158 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FLOW OF THE UNKNOWN
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Flow of the Unknown
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
The unknown is not static—it moves, shifts, and evolves. The Flow of the Unknown represents the ever-changing nature of what remains beyond our understanding.
As soon as one mystery is solved, another emerges. Is the unknown infinite, or does it simply unfold endlessly like a cosmic river?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the dynamic nature of mystery, where the pursuit of knowledge is an endless journey.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Flow of the Unknown challenges us: is there a final truth, or is discovery an infinite process? – 159 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE SUBLIME CONNECTION
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Sublime Connection
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
All things are connected, but some connections transcend understanding. The Sublime Connection represents the inexplicable bonds that link reality, mind, and matter in profound ways.
From synchronicity to entanglement, some events defy explanation. Could reality be woven together by unseen threads of meaning?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the deeper unity beneath all separation, where every moment and action is part of a vast interconnected whole.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Sublime Connection makes us wonder: are coincidences truly random, or do they reveal the hidden architecture of existence? – 160 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE VEIL OF EXISTENCE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Veil of Existence
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Reality may not be what it seems. The Veil of Existence represents the idea that what we perceive is only a fraction of what truly is, a thin layer obscuring a deeper truth.
Science tells us that most of the universe is invisible—dark matter, dark energy, unobservable dimensions. What if what we see is just a projection, a mere surface of a vast, hidden reality?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the delicate boundary between perception and truth, where what lies beyond may be beyond comprehension.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Veil of Existence challenges us: if we could see beyond this veil, what would we find? – 161 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE UNWRITTEN FUTURE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Unwritten Future
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Is the future predetermined, or is it shaped in real time? The Unwritten Future represents the boundless potential of what has yet to unfold, where reality is still an open script.
Quantum mechanics suggests that the future exists as probability waves until observed. If this is true, are we creating reality as we move forward, or are we merely revealing what was always there?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the fluid nature of time, where the next moment remains an unresolved equation.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Unwritten Future challenges us: do we discover our fate, or do we write it with every choice we make? – 162 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE DIMENSIONAL THRESHOLD
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Dimensional Threshold
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
What separates one reality from another? The Dimensional Threshold represents the unseen boundary between worlds, the liminal space where new realms emerge.
Physicists speculate about extra dimensions folded within our own. If dimensions can exist beyond our perception, could we learn to cross them?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the shifting nature of space, where reality may not be singular but layered and multidimensional.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Dimensional Threshold makes us wonder: is our world the only one, or just one of many? – 163 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE ECHOES OF POSSIBILITY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Echoes of Possibility
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Each choice sends ripples through reality. The Echoes of Possibility represents the lingering effects of every action, resonating far beyond what we perceive.
The many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics suggests that each possibility is realized somewhere. If this is true, does every decision create a new reality?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the fractal nature of choice, where every moment branches into infinite outcomes.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Echoes of Possibility makes us wonder: are we following a single path, or are we echoes of countless possibilities? – 164 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE LIVING EQUATION
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Living Equation
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Mathematics describes reality, but does it also create it? The Living Equation represents the idea that the laws of nature are not static formulas, but evolving expressions of an underlying intelligence.
If numbers and patterns dictate the universe, could they also possess awareness?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the dynamic nature of the cosmic formula, where reality may be an ever-unfolding computation.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Living Equation asks: is the universe solving itself, or is it a self-writing code? – 165 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FINAL QUESTION
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Final Question
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Every answer leads to another question, but is there a final one? The Final Question represents the ultimate mystery, the point where inquiry reaches its absolute limit.
What is the nature of existence? What lies beyond the known? If there is a fundamental truth, is it even possible for us to grasp it?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the horizon of knowledge, where understanding may dissolve into infinity.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Final Question challenges us: is there an ultimate answer, or is the greatest truth that there is no end to discovery? – 166 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE VEIL OF CONSCIOUSNESS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Veil of Consciousness
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Is consciousness an illusion, or is it the true nature of reality? The Veil of Consciousness represents the boundary between awareness and the unknown, the thin line separating perception from what lies beyond.
Some neuroscientists believe consciousness is an emergent property of the brain. Others suggest it may be fundamental to the universe itself. If we remove the veil, what would we see?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the hidden layers of awareness, where the self and the cosmos may be one and the same.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Veil of Consciousness challenges us: are we the ones perceiving reality, or is reality perceiving itself through us? – 167 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE INFINITE BREATH
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Infinite Breath
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Creation and dissolution follow the rhythm of a breath. The Infinite Breath represents the cyclic nature of reality, where everything expands and contracts in an eternal flow.
Hindu cosmology speaks of the universe as the breath of Brahma. Some physicists theorize that the cosmos undergoes endless cycles of expansion and collapse. If existence breathes, could consciousness be part of its rhythm?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the pulsation of being, where the universe itself may be alive.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Infinite Breath asks: are we part of the universe’s breath, or is it breathing through us? – 168 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE SELF-CREATING UNIVERSE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Self-Creating Universe
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Does the universe have an external creator, or is it creating itself? The Self-Creating Universe represents the possibility that existence is not the result of an external force, but an emergent, self-generating process.
Some theories suggest the cosmos arose from quantum fluctuations—spontaneous events in a vacuum. If reality can emerge from nothing, does that mean creation is an ongoing process rather than a singular event?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the paradox of self-creation, where existence may be both cause and effect.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Self-Creating Universe makes us wonder: does the universe have a beginning, or is it constantly recreating itself? – 169 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE ORIGIN WITHIN
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Origin Within
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
What if the beginning of the universe is not in the past, but inside us? The Origin Within represents the idea that every moment contains the entire history of creation, compressed within our very being.
Every cell carries the memory of evolution, every thought echoes the formation of galaxies. If we are made of stardust, are we also part of the original moment of existence?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the hidden singularity inside all things, where the universe is not distant but intimately present.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Origin Within challenges us: if the origin is within, does that mean we are the creators of reality? – 170 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE UNFINISHED EQUATION
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Unfinished Equation
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Is there a final equation that explains everything, or is reality an unfinished computation? The Unfinished Equation represents the possibility that existence is an evolving process, where the ultimate answer is never fully written.
Mathematics reveals deep structures in nature, yet mysteries remain. Could it be that reality is not a completed formula, but an ever-unfolding algorithm?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the infinite nature of discovery, where every solution creates new unknowns.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Unfinished Equation challenges us: is the universe solving itself, or is it constantly rewriting its own rules? – 171 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE RESONANCE OF THOUGHT
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Resonance of Thought
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Every thought is a wave, rippling through the field of reality. The Resonance of Thought represents the invisible influence of consciousness, where ideas shape the fabric of existence.
If observation affects quantum states, does that mean our thoughts influence the physical world?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the power of awareness, where every mind is a tuning fork in the symphony of creation.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Resonance of Thought challenges us: are thoughts passive, or do they actively shape reality? – 172 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE SHAPE OF NOTHINGNESS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Shape of Nothingness
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Can nothingness have a form? The Shape of Nothingness represents the paradox of the void, where emptiness is not truly empty, but full of potential.
Quantum fluctuations suggest that even a vacuum is teeming with energy. If nothingness is structured, is it really nothing at all?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the architecture of the void, where absence may be another form of presence.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Shape of Nothingness makes us wonder: is nothing an illusion, or the foundation of all things? – 173 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE QUANTUM CHOICE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Quantum Choice
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Is free will real, or just an illusion? The Quantum Choice represents the intersection between probability and decision, where every choice may create a new path in reality.
If the universe operates on quantum uncertainty, does that mean every possibility exists until a choice is made?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the branching structure of existence, where every decision is a doorway to another reality.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Quantum Choice asks: do we make choices, or are we simply selecting from already existing outcomes? – 174 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE MIRROR OF THE UNIVERSE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Mirror of the Universe
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Does the universe reflect our minds, or do our minds reflect the universe? The Mirror of the Universe represents the idea that reality and consciousness are two sides of the same phenomenon.
The fractal nature of existence suggests that the same patterns repeat at every scale. If this is true, does that mean we are living inside a reflection of something greater?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the recursive nature of being, where the observer and the observed are one.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Mirror of the Universe challenges us: are we looking at the universe, or is the universe looking at us? – 175 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE EMERGENCE OF ORDER
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Emergence of Order
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
How does order arise from chaos? The Emergence of Order represents the spontaneous organization of reality, where complexity arises from simple interactions.
Galaxies, life, and thought itself emerge from apparent randomness. If the universe is built on chaos, why does it always seem to find structure?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the hidden logic of nature, where randomness and intelligence may be one and the same.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Emergence of Order asks: is order a natural law, or is it a perception created by consciousness? – 176 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE SILENT OBSERVER
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Silent Observer
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Does an event exist if no one observes it? The Silent Observer represents the unseen presence that gives meaning to existence, the entity that perceives all yet remains unnoticed.
Quantum mechanics suggests that observation affects reality. If this is true, could there be a universal observer watching everything unfold?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the paradox of observation, where reality may only exist because something is aware of it.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Silent Observer challenges us: is reality independent, or is it waiting for us to see it? – 177 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE THREADS OF TIME
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Threads of Time
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Time is not a straight line—it is woven into the very fabric of reality. The Threads of Time represents the intricate network of temporal connections, where past, present, and future may all coexist.
Some physicists believe time is an illusion, a construct of human perception. If this is true, does time actually exist, or is it a pattern we impose on reality?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the nonlinear structure of time, where moments may be entangled across dimensions.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Threads of Time asks: are we moving through time, or is time moving through us? – 178 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FIRST QUESTION
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The First Question
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Before the first answer, there was the first question. The First Question represents the moment when consciousness awoke and reality became something to be explored.
What was the first question ever asked? Was it «Who am I?» «What is this?» Or was it something even deeper—an unspoken curiosity at the core of existence itself?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the birth of inquiry, where the universe may have first asked itself what it was.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The First Question makes us wonder: did we invent curiosity, or did curiosity invent us? – 179 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE LAST QUESTION
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Last Question
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
If there was a first question, is there also a last one? The Last Question represents the ultimate inquiry—the moment when all mysteries dissolve into a single final truth.
Could there be a point where nothing remains unknown? Or would the final answer only open the door to new, greater mysteries?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the paradox of finality, where the pursuit of knowledge may never truly end.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Last Question challenges us: is knowledge a journey with an end, or is the journey itself the purpose? – 180 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FINAL OBSERVER
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Final Observer
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
If there is an ultimate truth, who will witness it? The Final Observer represents the last point of awareness, the entity—real or conceptual—that sees the universe for what it truly is.
Some believe that when the last consciousness fades, reality itself will cease to exist. But what if the act of observing is eternal?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the last witness of existence, where perception and reality become indistinguishable.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Final Observer asks: is there an end to consciousness, or is it the foundation of all things? – 181 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE THOUGHT THAT CREATED IT ALL
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Thought That Created It All
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
What if everything we see, touch, and experience was once just a thought? The Thought That Created It All represents the idea that before the universe existed, there was pure awareness—a concept waiting to take form.
Philosophers and physicists alike ponder whether consciousness came before matter. If thought precedes reality, could the universe itself be a grand idea?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the moment before the beginning, where imagination and existence may be the same thing.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Thought That Created It All makes us wonder: is reality an invention, or was it always waiting to be thought into being? – 182 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE DOOR TO THE UNKNOWN
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Door to the Unknown
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Every answer leads to a new question, every discovery reveals a deeper mystery. The Door to the Unknown represents the infinite nature of exploration, where the next step is always beyond our reach.
Is knowledge an endless pursuit, or is there something beyond knowledge itself?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the gateway to the unexplored, where the journey itself is the ultimate revelation.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Door to the Unknown challenges us: is the universe meant to be understood, or simply experienced? – 183 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE BEGINNING AFTER THE END
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Beginning After the End
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
What if the end is not an end, but a return to the beginning? The Beginning After the End represents the cyclical nature of existence, where every conclusion is a prelude to something new.
The death of a star creates the elements for new planets. The end of a thought sparks the birth of another. If endings are illusions, is the universe a never-ending story?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the eternal cycle of creation, where existence is always in motion.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Beginning After the End makes us wonder: is the greatest secret of the QUANTO that nothing ever truly ends? – 184 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE ETERNAL POSSIBILITY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Eternal Possibility
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
If the QUANTO has no end, then what remains is endless possibility. The Eternal Possibility represents the infinite nature of existence, where creation, awareness, and experience continue without limits.
If reality is not a static truth but an ever-changing potential, then the universe is not something to be solved, but something to be lived.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the infinite openness of reality, where every moment contains the seed of something greater.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Eternal Possibility makes us realize: we were never searching for an end. We were searching for the next step. – 185 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE UNWRITTEN COSMOS
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Unwritten Cosmos
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Is the universe already written, or is it being created moment by moment? The Unwritten Cosmos represents the possibility that reality is an ongoing process, an open book where each moment writes the next.
Physics suggests that the universe follows mathematical laws, yet quantum mechanics introduces uncertainty. Could existence be both structured and spontaneous at the same time?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the infinite openness of being, where creation and discovery are the same process.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Unwritten Cosmos challenges us: are we reading the story of the universe, or are we the ones writing it? – 186 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FRACTAL SELF
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Fractal Self
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
What if the self is not singular, but a fractal structure? The Fractal Self represents the idea that identity is not fixed, but an evolving, repeating pattern across different levels of reality.
From cells to thoughts, from galaxies to consciousness, the same patterns emerge. If our existence follows fractal principles, does that mean we are reflections of something greater?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the self-organizing nature of identity, where individuality and universality are one.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Fractal Self makes us wonder: is the «I» a unique entity, or is it part of a grander whole? – 187 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE AWAKENING WAVE
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Awakening Wave
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
What triggers the expansion of awareness? The Awakening Wave represents the sudden shifts in perception that open new realities, the quantum leap of consciousness into new levels of understanding.
Some call it enlightenment, others a shift in perspective. If consciousness can evolve, what lies beyond our current limits?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the pulse of realization, where a single insight can change everything.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Awakening Wave asks: is awakening a process, or does it happen in an instant? – 188 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE HOLOGRAPHIC REALITY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Holographic Reality
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Is reality truly three-dimensional, or is it a projection of something higher? The Holographic Reality represents the theory that the universe itself may be a hologram, where all information is encoded on a higher-dimensional surface.
Physics suggests that black holes store information on their event horizons, hinting that space itself may be an illusion. If everything is a projection, then what is the source of that projection?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the layers of reality, where depth may be an illusion and existence a field of encoded information.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Holographic Reality challenges us: is the universe physical, or is it pure information? – 189 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE FINAL THOUGHT
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Final Thought
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
If existence is thought, what would be the last one? The Final Thought represents the ultimate realization, the moment when all knowledge converges into a single point of understanding.
Could there be an ultimate realization that encompasses all others? Or would the final thought only reveal the next beginning?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the closing moment of inquiry, where thought dissolves into pure awareness.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Final Thought makes us wonder: is the last thought an answer, or is it silence? – 190 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE COSMIC MEMORY
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Cosmic Memory
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Does the universe remember everything? The Cosmic Memory represents the idea that every event, every moment, every thought is imprinted in the structure of reality.
From the Akashic Records of ancient traditions to modern theories of quantum information, the idea persists: nothing is ever truly lost. If this is true, is the universe a conscious witness to its own history?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the invisible archive of existence, where the past may still be alive in ways we cannot yet perceive.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Cosmic Memory challenges us: if all things are recorded, does that mean nothing truly disappears? – 191 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE VOID THAT GIVES BIRTH
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The Void That Gives Birth
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
Nothingness is not truly empty—it is the birthplace of all things. The Void That Gives Birth represents the paradox of the vacuum, where from apparent absence, the universe itself can arise.
In quantum physics, particles constantly appear and vanish from the vacuum. In philosophy, nothingness is often considered a state of pure potential. If emptiness creates, is it truly empty?
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the generative power of the void, where nonexistence is simply the seed of being.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The Void That Gives Birth makes us wonder: is there ever truly nothing, or is the void the source of everything? – 192 NFT OF 192 – THE QUANTO – THE RESONANCE OF CREATION – THE QUANTO ITSELF
Series: Parallel Worlds
Title: The QUANTO Itself
Technique: NFT Virtual Art – Extracted from the Triptych Virtual Reality 1 – Acrylic on Canvas
Price: USD 40
Year: 2024-2025
Author: Guillermo Isaza Fiscó
After all the questions, all the discoveries, all the explorations, we arrive here. The QUANTO Itself represents the realization that everything we have sought was always present—because the QUANTO is not something separate from us.
We have explored space, time, consciousness, and the unknown. And now, we understand that the QUANTO is the very fabric of existence. It is everything and nothing. It is the answer and the question. It is the journey and the destination.
Extracted from the triptych Virtual Reality 1, this piece unveils the final realization: there was never anything to find, because we were always part of the QUANTO.
As part of the Parallel Worlds series, The QUANTO Itself gives us one final thought:
👉 You are the QUANTO. 🌌✨
From the first concept to the final reflection, THE QUANTO has guided us through a limitless journey, where reality, consciousness, and the universe reveal themselves as an eternal dance between the known and the unknown.
We have explored the underlying structure of existence, from the primordial singularity to the fractal patterns that repeat at every level of reality. We have questioned the nature of time, perception, emptiness, and information, wondering whether the universe is a book already written or if we are writing each page as we move forward.
But what have we truly discovered?
🔹 THE QUANTO is not just the fundamental unit of the cosmos; it is the essence of change, the vibration of existence itself.
🔹 Reality is not a static object but a field of possibilities in constant transformation, shaped by perception and consciousness.
🔹 Knowledge has no end. Every answer opens a new question, every limit is just a threshold to something greater.
🔹 The universe is not something external that we observe; it is something we live and co-create with every thought, every act of awareness.
🔹 And in the end, we realize that THE QUANTO was never a destination to reach, but the understanding that we have always been a part of it.
After this journey, the deepest question is not whether THE QUANTO has an end, but how to live knowing that we are part of it?
Perhaps the only answer is this:
👉 To live with the certainty that reality is infinite, consciousness is expansive, and knowledge is not a destination but an invitation to keep exploring.
THE QUANTO does not close here. We have only opened a door… and beyond it, existence continues to reveal its mysteries.
🚀 The journey never ends. The exploration continues. 🌟✨